Ultimate X-Men
Ultimate X-Men #90 - Ultimate Mr Sinister becomes Ultimate Apocalypse - Verdict - Avoid It
Ultimate X-Men #91 - Ultimate Apocalypse enslaves the Ultimate Universe, Ultimate Onslaught and Stryfe try to stop him - Verdict - Avoid It
Ultimate X-Men #92 - Stryfe and Onslaught are future Wolverine and Professor X, both fail to stop Apocalypse - Verdict - Avoid It
Ultimate X-Men #93 - Kirkman's reign of terror ends. Pheonix kills Apocalypse, resets universe so Kirkman's run didn't happen...I think - Verdict - Avoid It
Ultimate X-Men #94 - Colossus "origin", drugs give you cool powers, school is for losers, Alpha Flight rock - Verdict - Must Read
Ultimate X-Men #95 -Drugs are awesome, Ultimate Flyclops - Verdict - Must Read