Update: Looks like Spider-Woman is an Avenger for those still making their picks.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Reader Question - Who Should Be An Avenger in the "Heroic Age"?
Heroic Age teaser image. Note Captain America has blue eyes and no handgun like Steve Rogers and how Hawkeye has what looks like Bucky's metallic left arm.
Siege is underway as we speak and Marvel is already hard at work priming the pumps for its next event/linewide banner status quo thingy [think Dark Reign, Initiative, Manifest Destiny, etc] and the first of the promo images for Heroic Age, as shown above, for this event have started to make their way through the usual channels. We've even seen the first official member and creative team announced for the upcoming Avengers relaunch. My thoughts on a new team and a question for you after the jump.
Update: Looks like Spider-Woman is an Avenger for those still making their picks.
Update: Looks like Spider-Woman is an Avenger for those still making their picks.
If I was going with a new team of Avengers for a new Heroic Age, clearly we'd have to base it around Captain America, Iron Man and Thor. These are obvious choices and how the three characters have been put through the ringer and/or died and returned recently, their inclusion as Marvel's Big Three should form a sound basis for a team of 'heroic' Avengers.
From there, I'd include some fringe characters since those three can probably carry the book on their own without the need for a Spider-Man or Wolverine and others to prop it up like the post-Disassembled status quo. Of note, I'd have this team self-governed [ie. no SHIELD or government clearance and other interference from the likes of Gyrich and so on]. They are heroes and do heroic things. Government cheques and other nonsense always made them seem like mercs for hire to me.
As Tony Stark had his assets ceased by Osborn, I'd bring in Moon Knight as the team's financial backer and Batman-like character. He's been trying to be a hero recently and reined in the anti-hero/killing parts of his character and I've heard nothing but good things about his current series. If they are really pushing him to turn over a new leaf, I think this could go a long ways towards that.
Other characters I think need to be on the team are Songbird, who I've been waiting to see since Kurt Busiek first teased her Avengers status back in Avengers Forever, Hank Pym (assuming Mighty Avengers doesn't continue/get relaunched under a new title), and one or two others, possibly Hawkeye or Brother Voodoo.
However, my question to you is, who should be on this new 'Heroic Age' team of Avengers? What do you envision a "heroic" team of Avengers as? Let us know who you think should be an Avenger in this new Heroic Age in the comments below!
Posted by
Kirk Warren
11:42 AM
Thought Bubbles: Avengers, Heroic Age, Reader Questions
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My team would be Cap(bucky), Iron man, Thor, Spidy, Beast, Hawkeye, and Dr. Voodoo. I also want an Avengers Academy run by Steve Rogers and funded by Shield where younger heroes are trained and former Avengers can swing by to help out.
If the Mighty Avengers doesn't get a relaunch (which it should!) then I'd want Vision and Wasp (Hank Pym) to join the team. Maybe a few other Young Avengers like Patriot and Stature but thats it. Don't want the whole YA joining yet.
I was going to say War Machine but they've already got Iron Man and I doubt they want 2 armorer-ed heroes on one team. So I'm going to stick with Iron Man.
I think Spidey should stay for sure. He's awesome as an Avenger.
Definitely Dr. Voodoo, I think he'd have huge potential as an Avenger.
Hawkeye, sure, one of the classics so I can't see why not.
Scarlet Witch! Okay she's probably still in exile but if Siege ends with her saving the day then I say make her an Avenger again.
Black Widow for sure. She definitely has earned her spot on the team.
No Wolverine, keep him off the team. He's busy as it is.
Luke Cage but I'm only saying that because I know damn well Bendis wants him on the team. That and I have enjoyed what Bendis has done with the character over the years so I'd like to see him write him more.
Thats my Avengers, for now at least.
Cap (Bucky or Steve), Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Hank, Janet (yes, bring her back damnit), She Hulk, Black Widow, Ms. Marvel. If needed, Strange as a consultant.
The team needs to be big enough that it can split into two or three groups each capable of achieving a different objective. So, multiple heavy-hitters (Iron Man, Thor, Jen, Carol), multiple leaders (Cap, Janet, Tony, Carol), multiple brains (Tony, Hank), and multiple commandos (Bucky Cap, Natasha, Clint, Carol).
Each of these people has also shown some sort of commitment to the Avengers beyond just wanting to do good, whether a belief in the Avengers as an ideal or as a family or both.
I wouldn't underestimate Tony's ability to finance the Avengers, by the way. He's proven himself able to make a ridiculous amount of money very quickly before. Stark Industries has been rebuilt from scratch at least once.
Iron Man
I don't want Spidey on here myself. He's got enough going on this year. I'd say Cap (Steve or Bucky, I don't care), Iron Man, Thor, Pym, Beast (ill miss him post-S.W.O.R.D.), Black Widow, and She-Hulk. Also Thing would be fun, but I don't want him leaving the Fantastic Four.
I just deleted a really long post because I changed my mind the last minute. I would want a team that has iconic "Marvel" names, leaving any non-included classic "avengers" characters for Hank Pym's "Mighty" team to pick up, and any "street level" avengers for a Luke Cage-run team.
But for the central team, I'd want them to pull from the major areas of the Marvel U:
Classic Avengers:
- Captain America (Bucky or Steve)
- Iron Man
- Thor
Fantastic Four:
- Invisible Woman
- Storm
Spidey books:
- Spider-Man
Cosmic books:
- Ms Marvel
Avengers/Wolvie books:
- Black Widow
I also like that this has an even-gender split. The teaser image only has one woman in it, which bothers me.
But then they have nine characters in the teaser image, so I'll add one odd-ball character.
Odd-ball/Classic Marvel:
- Namor
So, compiled list:
- Captain America
- Iron Man
- Thor
- Invisible Woman
- Storm
- Spider-Man
- Ms Marvel
- Black Widow
- Namor
These are big names, all important to the Marvel-U and coming from different corners of the Marvel-U, and they have some cool established connections to explore (especially Namor/Sue Richards). It also has sufficient "Avengers cred" characters, even though it'd be nice to have some Hawkeye action in there. Ah well, such would be the point of Mighty Avengers. Or Ronin could ride shotgun on Luke Cage's team. That'd be cool.
Oh, and I love the Sentry, but he needs to never be on team books.
The Cap books are starting to blend together, but did Bucky just get a new robot arm that looked like a real arm, or did I imagine that?
I like the idea of an Avengers that is comprised of representatives from some of the other teams in the Marvel U, personally. You could even have a semi-rotating cast if you wanted to work it that way.
Steve Rogers (mentor figure e. g. Professor X)
Cap. America (Bucky)
Iron Man
Hank Pym
Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Black Widow
Dr. Voodoo
I think that's a good mix of resourceful, smart and powerful types, some representing more than one of those categories.
I'm not picking up any Marvel as of now, but from what I understand the "Heroic Age" could be perfect to redeem a few characters in the eyes of the public, such as Iron Man and Hulk (though I´ll admit I know nothing of Banner's current status or post Fall of the Hulks). Maybe replace Hulk with the Thing or She-Hulk, both have great comic potential paired with Spidey.
I know it's a big list, but it allows the group to split up as needed to take on smaller treaths, can be divided in "specialty" kind of teams (the powerhouses, the brains, the nimble ones, etc), and in it's entirety they could take on any sort of trouble.
I'll admit Voodoo is there as a token magic dude, but magic opens more plot possibilities.
Oh yeah, and they wouldn't have full roster every issue.
Captain America (Rogers), Thor, Iron Man (Stark), Wasp (van Dyne), Scarlet Witch, and Ms. Marvel as definite members with one more open slot that I can't decide. Contenders include Spider-man, Vision, Beast, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, Wonder Man, Marvel Boy (Noh Varr), and a handful of others.
I like the idea of representing other teams, but those members should be strictly reserve. I love Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and X-Men, but they all have a lot planned for this year. Make Peter, Ben, and Logan reserve characters.
Also, ya know who else isn't doing much? Norrin Radd! (You all saw that coming I'm sure.) In between heralding for Galactus, the Surfer could be brought in to deal with cosmic threats. Just a thought since they are currently letting the character tread water.
Big 3
Cap, Thor, Iron Man
Hank Pym (Spidey and Iron Man help with this)
$$$ (for Marvel)
Brother Voodoo
The Rest
Ms Marvel, Spider-Woman and Protector/Noh-Varr
Is it me or does Romita draw an unimpressive Spider-Woman? The mask is making her head and hair look really weird for some reason.
as much as i like bucky as cap, if you are going to bring steve back, and reform a classic avengers team, doesnt it have to be steve with the shield? obviously thor and iron man. add in ms marvel, hank pym, doctor voodoo, and she hulk, if she's still alive. i'd like hawkeye and mockingbird to have their own ongoing series, but if not put them in there as well.
and is anyone else tired of bendis shoving this spider woman down our throats? all cause he apparently likes her hair? give me a break, shes not a very important character and to me, the julia carpenter version is the real spider woman.
@Ivan- JRJR's Spider-Woman is really weird-looking, I agree.
@Anon- I was just about to post about how we need Julia Carpenter to return. I like Jessica Drew, but Julia's a classic.
I got lost right when everything got the Dark prefix, so I'm a little behind on things, but I'm interested enough to check on the Avengers again when the Heroic Age launches (that is, unless they make it a-100-book event).
The three core members are a given: Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. Even if I don't like them particularly, their dynamic as a team was always likable.
I'd add Hawkeye, the Scarlett Witch (there are lots of issues to solve here) and Hank Pym. You ask me, these three were always the core of the Avengers, being the only characters that could evolve without their continuities being tied to a solo book.
And I'd add some two or three newbies to keep things fresh. But please no X-Men, their concepts are too different and don't blend right.
Captain America
Luke Cage or Hercules
Ms. Marvel or if she really does become a hero again Jessica Jones
Spider woman
Wasp or Stature
Vision 2.0
Spider man
Nighttrasher if they revive the original
Amadeus Cho and Jarvis as backup characters/caretakers
My real question is how many people will be granted Avenger status? And how many Avenger teams will there be?
Following from that, I want to know what will happen to former Avengers who might not be included? For instance, if Luke Cage doesn't get the call up, and I find it strange for him to work with Iron Man, Cap and Thor in the heroic age (don't ask why) then where will he go. He wouldn't be a forgotten Marvel character so would he get his own series? Could that even be sustained? Would Bendis HAVE to write it for it to live.
I'm sadly not a major league JRJr fan, which is a shame, and I think both the Spider-Woman and Cap teaser images are sub-par, at best. At first I disagreed with Spider-Woman being an Avenger but I guess it could work, and will keep her profile high, which I'm sure is in Marvel/Bendis' best interests.
I'd like to see Iron Fist get a run somewhere if his own series isn't coming back...and I really don't think they'll drop three high selling Avengers titles to just launch one new one, there will be a second, no more, but a second team very soon.
The Big Three is a given, only with Bucky as Cap and Iron Man joining a bit later after his mid reboots...
Love the idea of Steve running SHIELD or the Avengers Academy. I would add Mockingbird as his head trainer. Also have Taskmaster survive Siege and run its opposite number...
I love seeing more people are getting on the Songbird bandwagon with me. Lady deserves it and she could be the "Firestar" of this team. (i.e. a reluctant member who grows into her own) I going back to how the last Avengers/T-Bolts crossover ended up for this line of thinking.
Other core team members: Hawkeye, Spidey, She-Hulk, Stature, Quasar (after realm of kings), Ms Marvel, Doc Voodoo, and Justice.
A perfect mix of old and new without destroying the New Warriors, Mighty Avengers, and Young Avengers teams.
I love having Hercules and Cho on the same team with Pym. Makes for great comedy and comic dynamics. Also I would have to agree with previous posters, I'd love to see Julia comeback in some form.
Now where to put Moonstone and Ant-Man? Hmmmm
For all the Luke Cage noms, I was under the impression he just had a heart attack and was considering taking a break of some sort. I know Bendis loves him, but figured he was off the table due to that.
I don't really have a set team in my mind, but here are some odd-ball ones I'd like to see on any Avengers team...
She-Hulk. Especially after she got kicked out during her solo series. Needs redemption and is not very busy right now.
Nightcrawler. No one is using him in any of the X-books, and Dan Slott said he wanted to use him for his Mighty Avengers book before.
Cloud 9 (from Avengers: The Initiative). Interesting character that hasn't been used a lot since then. She only makes random appearances whenever there's a country wide crisis in one of the Initiative teams.
Hercules (if he lives). I would love the interactions between him and Thor in the same team (and if Black Widow is there too, all the better).
What I would like the line-up to be:
Captain America (Bucky)
Iron Man
Spider-Woman (since she is already announce as being on the team)
Ms. Marvel
Also if somehow Nova could pull double duty with Realm of Kings and Avengers I would love to see him on the team as well for a cosmic level hero on the team. Plus I have always wanted to see Nova on the Avengers since New Warriors ended.
I wouldn't mind seeing Jewel join a team and have Luke Cage as a stay-at-home dad. It'd be an interesting role reversal and could lead to some good character building.
I'd love to see the singer Jewel in the group.
Captain America (Bucky)
Black Widow
Mighty Avengers
(leave the roster the same, maybe add in Tigra)
Avengers Academy
All the good recruits from the initiative
Run by Steve Rodgers
The Gauntlet
Night Thrasher
the Young Avengers
Storm was an excellent choice for the Marvel Adventures Avengers, so I would like to see her kept around.
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel
Hank Pym
Doctor Voodoo
Iron Man
Ms Marvel/She-hulk
Human Torch(This allows Spidey to not be on the team.)
would love to see Silver Surfer.
Good eye (no pun intended) on Cap's eye color! I would have looked at the new costume and assumed it was Bucky, nice catch.
As for Hawkeye, I would think the arm is just the sheath Clint has used in the past (Kate Bishop uses one now as Hawkeye). They are common to archers (who use them to keep their bow-arm straight). Of course my opinion may be swayed by my bias of wanting Clint back in the Hawkeye costume. I guess if Clint dies in Siege #2 in the morning I'll know I was wrong.
My personal picks for a Heroic Age Avengers team:
- Captain America (Bukcy-Cap)
- Thor
- Iron Man
- Hawkeye II (Kate Bishop)
- Doctor Strange
- Beast
- Songbird
- Hercules
Best AVengers line up: (I'm limiting it to 9)
- Captain America
- Iron Man
- Thor
- Jocasta (I love Robots)
- Moonstone (The connection with Kree technology can open up new story vistas)
- Ms Marvel/Warbird
- Spider Woman
- Vision (Resurrect him if you have to. Again, Cybernetic lifeform Node (Cylons) are the best)
- Prince Namor
Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Spider Woman, Luke Cage, Dr Strange (screw voodoo- Strange is still a sorcerer, dammit!)
Iron Man revealed (big surprise).
I like Romita's take on the new armor.
Aaaaand Hawkeye.
I'd go with:
Iron Man
Captain America (Bucky)
Hank Pym
Moon Knight
Hercules (w/Amadeus Cho)
Invisible Woman
Ms. Marvel
I know there's no way they are going to do that, but your idea of Bucky being a new Hawkeye and Steve wearing the new Cap uniform blew my mind.
Thor, for the record.
The Heroic Age sounds like a great moment to launch another GLAvengers series!
I think if they take Spidey off the Avengers it will be a BIG MISTAKE! He completes them just as much as the Human Torch completes the FF and Ice Man completes the X-Men. So here is the line up that we will see in May.
Captain America: Bucky
Iron Man
Hawk eye
Spider Woman
Spider Man
Ms Marvel
Special member Doctor Voodoo
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