Written by Jason Aaron & Daniel Way
Art by Adam Kubert & Tommy Lee Edwards
This issue is broken up into two parts. One is by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert while the other is by Daniel Way and Tommy Lee Edwards. If you've been following along, you'll know I'm a fairly big Jason Aaron fanboy, especially in regards to his Wolverine work, but, surprisingly, Daniel Way's half of the book proved to be the stronger of the two.
But first, let's discuss Aaron and Kubert's first half of the book. It amounted to about a dozen or so pages featuring panels, layed out like a calendar, with the days of the week setting off each new panel. Each "day" featured Wolverine on a different team, such as the New Avengers or Uncanny X-Men, or off on a solo adventure, like a fight with Red Hulk or anything to do with Wolverine Origins, or even one of his numerous guest appearances/team-ups, such as with Spider-Man, Deadpool or Thor.
It was an interesting showcase of just how crazy Wolverine's life is and the absurdity of the number of books he appears in in any given month, but, in the end, that's all it is - a series of single panels showing random moments from other adventures. There's no story, no direction, no payoffs. Just one panel after another. The final page seems to promise an actual story to go with the dramatic irony of these "daily adventures", but, based on this single issue, I was fairly disappointed with it.
Thankfully (I can't believe I'm saying this), Daniel Way's half of the issue pulls its own weight and then some. It's a story from Logan's past with a biker gang and shows him meeting up with the again after 20 or 30 years. There's nothing really new here that will redefine Wolverine's character, but it's an entertaining read bolstered by Tommy Lee Edwards's art, which I'm a big fan of.
Verdict - Check It. I'm not sure why they broke both stories in half and slapped them together instead of just releasing them each in their own issue and I'm a tad disappointed with how the Aaron/Kubert half panned out, but I think I'm still satisfied with the purchase and, while not an absolute must read issue, think it's definitely worth checking out if either story or creator team interests you.
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