What is Counter-Earth?
For those wondering, Counter-Earth is basically the Heroes Reborn Earth, minus all the heroes, pulled into our universe and orbiting on the opposite side of the Sun from our Earth. To my knowledge, it was last used in Thunderbolts, where the team had become saviours of the planet and were basically fixing all the planet's problems for them. They ended up leaving Jolt behind on the planet, who went on to join the Young Allies, who are led by the same Bucky in the teaser image above. Counter-Earth was also in the Hyperion arc of New Exiles, but I'm not sure if that's considered in continuity or not.
Your Thoughts?
Rafael Albuquerque mentions that is just a sketch he did of one of the characters in the story and that he is only a guest artist, implying that it may just be a random side story, but with Marvel promoting it, maybe she will be rejoining the Marvel Universe proper as the new Bucky to Bucky's new Captain America. Perhaps the whole time platform/Red Skull subplot was actually tapping into the Heroes Reborn universe or Counter-Earth and that's what sparks the whole Reborn mystery event. I've pretty much spelled out my theories on the teaser, Cap and Reborn, but what I want to know is - what do you guys think?
So...this is what I say. If Steve Rogers is dead for good, keep it that way. I get SOOOO tired of stories I follow getting negated and scratched through, i.e. J. Michael Straczynski's awesome run on Spider-Man being wiped out in favor of Pete making a deal with the devil, choosing Aunt May's life over his relationship with MJ. LAME & totally NOT Petey's character.I dig Bucky Barnes as the new Captain America. Keep rolling with it!!
As long as its not rogers, im good
I'd rather not make us suffer more Heroes Reborn stuff.
Mr. Lister if you enjoyed those stories when you read them, how are they negated by any future changes or retcons. Those stories are still there. It's an entertainment industry, if you were entertained then the stories did their jobs.
There were some good concepts in HR. They were just ruined by the people behind them.
I'd be happy to see Rikki back. I remember liking her. But really this has me excited because it makes it less likely Steve is coming back. I like Steve, don't get me wrong, but it's way too early for them to entertain resurrecting him. I don't know if bringing Steve back would ever be a good thing to do, but right now it is definitely wrong.
I didn't read it but the Loeb/Liefeld "Onslaught Reborn" miniseries she was somehow transferred to the main Marvel universe.
Loeb AND Liefeld? Oh God, that sounds like quite the train wreck.
Don't think that this makes it any less likely that Reborn is about Steve Rogers.
C'mon, seriously... Brubaker and Hitch on a high profile book that they won't say anything about. Do you really think there is a chance it is about the Heroes Reborn universe or Planet Doom?
Two reasonable possibilities: Steve Rogers or Jean Grey.
I'm actually kind of leaning towards Jean Grey myself. After all Brubaker is the guy who got to create the 3rd Summers brother. People forget about his X-Men run so quickly.
I can't believe Alburquque managed to make her uniform look actually cool.
yeah, on the last page of Onslaught Reborn, we see Rikki on our Earth. i'm actually surprised it took this long to follow up on that plot thread. i think she'll be the new 616 Bucky.
So they can just ignore counter-earth and still use her
The black widows becoming Captain (Bucky Barnes) Americas Bucky.
Widow is his Sharon Carter, big difference. Here is an actual character that goes by the alias Bucky.
@ Widow is his Sharon Carter, big difference. Here is an actual character that goes by the alias Bucky.
U'll c 4 urself soon enough...widow's not gona be widow anymore.
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