Wednesday, April 8, 2009

TMC Vol 2 - March Edition

Back in February, I released a digital magazine version of the Weekly Crisis, called TMC - The Monthly Comic Magazine, to celebrate my return to posting. While I simply do not have the time or man hours to put into designs and layouts to continue putting out monthly magazines, I thought it would be fun to do up a mock cover for the month of March.

To continue the illusion, I went about collecting the links to various posts by Matt, Eric and myself from the past month to create a sort of table of contents for content to go along with this mock cover. You can find these links after the jump.

Table of Contents

War of Kings Primer



Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for 03/04/09
Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for 03/11/09
Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for 03/18/09
Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for 03/25/09

Moments of the Week

Cover of the Week

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Christine Hanefalk said...

Man, that looks great! That mock cover looks professionally made. I understand that it's a lot of work, but the monthly round-up thing was something I found useful and it could be a good idea to keep doing it. Two thumbs up!

Kirk Warren said...

Thanks for the kind words, Christine. We'll more than likey keep doing these month in review types of posts in the future as there's so much more content coming out since Matt and Eric joined to keep people abreast of anything they may have missed.

The cover was actually fairly easy to put together compared to the magazine interiors I did back in Feb. In Photoshop, those are insanely time consuming to get the text to line up and fit properly. If I ever get some time, Ill try and learn InDesign (magazine version of Photoshop basically). For now, the covers are the most I can do without spending days formatting.

Matt Duarte said...

Watch out Wizard, here comes TMC!

Stephen said...

Too bad it's not an actual print magazine. I'd buy it in a second over Wizard. I really enjoy your blog and it has become daily reading for me. Your reviews and opinion articles are always thoughtful and insightful.

BobofBentleigh said...

i've always thought Wizard was one of the most sycophantic publications out there. Entertaining, but they're certainly not as objective as Kirk or even CBR

well done on issue 2! one of my favourite bits of issue 1 was the annotations for Final Crisis, and the War of Kings primer altogether sounds great!

Matt Duarte said...

BobofBentleigh, I agree. Wizard seems to love everything they read or watch. I used to read it some years back, but I just gave up on it.

Jason Quinones said...

it is a damn good cover and design and layout wise.

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