Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 04/09/08

It's preview time with the Post-Crisis Previews. Quite a spread of books this week, specifically from DC. Before I let you get to the previews, I was wondering if there was anything I could do to improve them. Currently, I only list the books I'm buying with the cover, creators, solicit and my personal thoughts and expectations for each book. Would you like a full list of titles coming out for the week besides the ones I'll be picking up? Do you care about the solicit information or do you just check the covers and my comments to see what I'm getting?

I'm always looking for ways to improve and I'm just curious to see what you, the readers, would like to see added to this, or any, column. I'll let you get back to the previews now, so hit the jump to see what's on tap for tomorrow.

Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund

"Blue and Gold" part 3! Booster and Beetle come face-to-face with the all-new, all-different Freedom Fighters as time continues to crash down around them. Can a makeshift super-team really stop Maxwell Lord and his O.M.A.C.s? Plus, the continuing evil machinations of Supernova and Black Beetle!

Kirk Says: Blue and Gold wreck time, team up with the most rag tag squad of heroes possible and try to fix their mess. Only four issues left with Johns and Katz, so better enjoy these while they last.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Ron Lim and Mark McKenna

The Great Disaster has occurred, and all hell breaks loose as all the storylines in COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS come to a climax, threatening Darkseid and Jimmy Olsen and Mary Marvel and the future of their Earth!

Kirk Says: Countdown. Superman has to come in and save everyone after 50 issues without him. Mary is EVVILLL. Darkseid is EVVILLL. Evil people do EVIILLL things because they are EVVILLL. At least, that's the explanation Carlin keeps giving for this. Only three more issues...

Written by Mark Millar
Art by Bryan Hitch

That’s the problem with Utopias—they’re all-too-often built on a foundation of human tears. When an organism designed to abolish war is set into motion, and it decides that the only way to accomplish its objective is to eliminate anyone who could possibly pick up a weapon, there’s only one foursome to turn to if humanity is going to survive!

Kirk Says: Really digging Millar and Hitch on FF. If you came in expecting Ultimates, you're probably disappointed, but this is a fun ride and the way the FF should always be written.

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Cliff Chiang

Team Arrow follows the trail of those responsible for shooting Connor Hawke to London and finds out who was behind that heinous act.

Kirk Says: Well, with the revelation that the aliens from last issue are actually just humans dressed up (I don't consider previews spoilers, so check out CBR or Newsarama to see what I'm talking about), I've got a little bit of faith back in this title. Winick needs to provide some direction to this story though. Seems to be floundering about with no goal in sight.

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Prentis Rollins

Some of the best and brightest of the Corps — including Kyle Rayner, Soranik Natu, Ion and Guy Gardner — are sent on an urgent mission to locate and destroy missing Sinestro Corps Rings that remain from the Sinestro Corps War. But Mongul has a different idea on what to do with the Rings…

Kirk Says: Finally, we can get back to an actual story in this book. I'd love to know the reason for that unasked for and unneeded detour for the past couple months after hyping up Mongul for a few issues. Actually looking forward to this book again.

Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose

"Thy Kingdom Come" continues as the mystery of the "Heartbreak Slayer" explodes while the Justice Society discovers a true "New" God stalking them. Meanwhile, devastating images of the future continue to plague the Man of Steel.

Kirk Says: Decompression is one way to describe this Thy Kingdom Come arc. It's been like six or seven issues and the only thing that's happened is KC Superman showed up and that was in the first issue. At least Gog finally showed up. I think it means we can start the story up again.

NOVA #12
Written by Andy Lanning & Dan Abnett
Art by Paul Pelletier

The New Mutant Warlock returns in an issue that propels Nova back into ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST! Still threatened by his deadly Phalanx virus, Richard Rider finally reaches Kvch, the never-before-seen Technarchy homeworld. But are the “parents” of the Phalanx still there – and can Nova even reach them? And are you ready for the comeback of the former New Mutant know as Warlock? Join writers Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning and new ongoing penciler Paul Pelletier (FANTASTIC FOUR) for another chapter of the saga that has Wizard saying “If you’re a fan of out-there sci-fi with a superhero twinge, you should strap yourself in for a ride with the Human Rocket’s series.”

Kirk Says: I love Nova. It's one of the few truly great books left out there as of late.

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Ron Garney

Spinning out of the decade’s biggest X-Men event, Wolverine embarks on a personal mission to hunt down MYSTIQUE. But what do you do when the person you're chasing, the person you're dying to kill, chooses to hide behind an army of American soldiers? That's the question Logan is asking himself, and the answer will be explosive. Plus, Wolvie pulls a bank heist in 1920s Kansas City, but all does not go according to plan.

Kirk Says: Aaron and Garney are doing some great things in Wolverine. It's only been two issues, but I haven't enjoyed Wolverine's solo title like this in a long time.

Written by Gail Simone
Art and Cover by Bernard Chang

Part 2 of the 2-part story "Expatriate!" Spirited to the Khund home world, Wonder Woman finds herself in the unpopular position of having to defend one of the greatest scourges of the galaxy from the deserved wrath of many an angry race! What could possibly convince the Amazon princess to side with the enemy? You won't believe the answer! And who is the incredibly powerful DC figure that's trying to stop her?

Kirk Says: When I jumped on Wonder Woman with Gail Simone's first issue on the title, I didn't expect to be reading it still five or six months later. Some really good things happening in this book, even if you've never been a fan of the character. I know I wasn't before this.

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Anonymous said... 1

The GLC Mongol arc was pushed back so that Gleason could do the whole story without fill-ins.

Anonymous said... 2

I don't think it is too neccesary for you to list all books coming out, since we can get those from the main websites of the books, but it would be nice to let us know if something major was coming that you aren't goin to pick up (i.e. if for some reason you decide not to pick up batman 675)

Kevin said... 3

I'm really sad that Chiang left GA/BC =(.

Anyways, I'm definitely looking forward to Nova, because this is the one that's supposed to show his role in Annihilation: Conquest.

The second anonymous guy has a good point there: I think it's pointless to list all the books coming out. Maybe you could provide a link to the full list, but you don't need to list it yourself.

Personally, I never read the cover copy, just your comments, so they might be useful only for entry-level readers of the blog or so.

Ethereal said... 4

JSA needs to pick up as I share the same opinion as you on the current state of it. More Ross, less bad.

As for the formatting, I can't complain. I think matching the previews and the reviews is the way to go to be quite honest. I think it should be noted when you decide to pick up a new series, and when you're not as that might help the comments and the view on your reviews - that makes senses, really.

Anonymous said... 5

Is Wonder Woman REALLY good now?

Kirk Warren said... 6

Some great input on the format from everybody. Thanks and keep it coming.

@anonymous - Concerning Wonder Woman, it's not the best book on the market, but, as someone who never cared for the character before and didn't enjoy the early relaunch issues, I was surprised at how much fun reading the first arc by Simone was.

It's definitely an above average book now. Whether it remains that way, improves or trails off is yet to be seen. But after about five issues, I've enjoyed every single one and that's all I can ask for.

If you can afford the investment, grab the first storyarc (three or four issues, I forget) and see if it floats your boat. I'd wager most would be happy with it, though.

Anonymous said... 7

i agree with kevin T. I read all the solicits elsewhere when I'm checking the release list for the week and I just read your previews for your personal comments, so the solicits aren't really necessary I don't think. And if you didn't include those you'd have room for more personal comments.

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