Monday, April 7, 2008

Feeling the Sting of Cancellations and Departures

Seems like the only news lately is bad news. Books getting cancelled, creators up and leaving books and it seems to be all the books I enjoy.

If you haven't heard yet, Immortal Iron Fist joined the ranks of the damned today. Not one, not two, but all three creators have left the title. Sure, Aja was barely drawing it the last few issues, but it's still sad to see Brubaker, Fraction and him leave the book at the same time. On top of that, they're being replaced by Duane Swierczynski, current writer of Cable, of which I've had nothing but bad things to say about. Previews of the new team show Danny back in the old Iron Fist costume with the big collars, too. Suffice to say, I don't see me sticking with this title after the current arc ends.

However, this is just the first of many such upheavals, as of late. Booster Gold recently felt the harsh sting of creator's leaving. Both Johns and Katz are leaving the fledgling book with issue twelve (numbered 1 million). While I expect Iron Fist to last a little while longer, I don't see Booster surviving cancellation with their departure.

Other notable books to fall on dark times include:

Blue Beetle - Rogers, the current writer, wrapped up his run with issue twenty-five. He states he has plans to return, but the timeframe is indefinite and, to be honest, the title will probably be cancelled before he ever makes his way back.

New X-Men - Unceremoniously ended in the middle of a crossover, the much beloved book was cut down without even giving a proper ending or send off for the readers. In its place, we were left with Young X-Men, which, based on its first issue, will be nothing but a grim reminder of what used to be.

Thunderbolts - Ellis came in and ended the original Thunderbolts book, which was a guilty pleasure of mine. It wasn't the best book, but it was fun for those that followed it. His new iteration of the team was so good, it was hard to hold it against him. After a delay ridden run, Ellis will be leaving Thunderbolts as abruptly as he joined the title. The book will carry on, but it will never be the same.

Shadowpact - I followed this a little, but never stuck with it. I heard nothing but good things from the people that did follow it and this was just another title hit with the cancellation stick.

Hulk - Loeb happened to the big green, or I guess I should say red, guy. After an excellent year or two under Pak's watchful eye, it's a shame to see what has become of the Hulk.

Ultimates - Yet another Loeb disaster. Two year lead time and delays already in this five issue mini-series that bastardizes the Ultimates name.

These are just a few of the books, many in the last couple weeks, that have either had their creative teams walk out on them or were outright cancelled. There are many other books, like Checkmate or Catwoman, that are borderline cancellations due to sales, as well.

It just seems like everytime I check a comicbook news site these days, I get met with one of my favourite titles being cancelled. I think Captain America is probably the only safe book in my top 10 comics and with no new books or creative teams on books set to replace any of these titles in the near future.

Anyone else feeling a little down over the rash string of cancellations and creative shakeups?

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Anonymous said... 1

Checkmate going from Rucka to Bruce Jones (!) is as good a sign of impending cancellation as any, sadly. I really wish Rucka had stayed on the book.

Anonymous said... 2

I'm feeling your pain 100%. Let's pour out some liquor for the dearly departed....

Anonymous said... 3

I think you are right on most things, but I believe you are dead wrong on Booster Gold. If it ends up with the right team, I believe it will continue to go on strong. There are too many people that I know that love that book to let it die.

Eric Rupe said... 4

Of the titles you posted I only read Iron Fist and Thunderbolts. I hope that Gage does a good job with the Secret Invasion and if so Marvel decides to keep him on. I do not plan on getting Iron Fist after Fraction and Brubaker leave. I think it is incredibly ironic that Ultimates 3 is as late as it is with sooooo much lead time. Some people are suggesting that editorial caught a mistake of Loeb's and he had to rewrite one or both of the last two issues.

I hope that Marvel and DC both launch new titles or give waning titles some kind of support, but I doubt it.

The bright side of all of this is that a title like Incredible Hercules is actually both critically praised and selling well. There are always bright spots in the darkness.

Unknown said... 5

I started reading New X-men in trades , so I was very disappointed when their title just abruptly ended in the middle of Messiah Complex. I had hope though because I figured the only sane reason New X-men would get canceled would be to "restart" it as Young X-men. So far I'm not that impressed, although I have faith in the writer. I know this is a little older but, don't forget Cable and Deadpool.

Phil said... 6

The recent rash of cancellations and shifts in creative teams has really left me reaching for what I still will want to read. I will give the new team a shot on Iron Fist but I have no expectations for them, and with shadowpact being cancelled thats another book I have followed the whole time that is going away. Then theres the Loeb effect on both the Incredible Hulk and the Ultimates, the first two volumes of the Ultimates are among my favorite comics but the third volume I could care less for. Then theres the new Hulk series which I burn than read after the awesome run of the planet Hulk and world war Hulk stories

The recent upheaval in comics in terms of books and creative teams makes me feel left out like what does it take to keep a writer on a book long enough to get all their ideas out.

Thank whoever that Captain America still comes out monthly

Anonymous said... 7

Booster has been an absolute fave of mine and was sad to hear the major creative team shift. Some creative teams I really miss are: Johns/Mckone from Teen titans, Winnick/Raney from Outsiders, JMS/Garney from Amazing, Waid/Ringo from FF,,,,just to name a few.

Anonymous said... 8

Checkmate is one of the best books out there right now. It would be a shame to cancel it now. Booster Gold was excellent at first but sort of died out a little, I think this will continue with the departure of Geoff Johns.

Anonymous said... 9

As with amny things that rely primarily on business, I view comics as fluid and ever-changing, so I find myself always ready for a surprise announcement such as the one you mention. Why, if news came in tomorrow that Jeph Loeb had taken over Captain America after Ed Brubaker was suddenly attacked by the flu, I'd shrug my shoulders and just resign myself to not reading Captain America again!

I hope that if we don't get Gage on Thunderbolts, some other writer as good as Ellis will be there. Like Jason Aaron.

And on Iron Fist: Despite the writer, and the pointy cowl, we can at least take comfort that the art looks fantastic.

Deicide The Everliving said... 10

I've been reading mostly T-Bolts, so Ellis' departure left me surprised. The delays were getting annoying, but the story was so good!

I, however, will not just drop the title. At least, not until I see the first arc of the next writer (be it Gage or whatever). I am just praying that Marvel does not give T-Bolts to Paul Jenkins or Jeph Loeb.

Tiago José "Deicide" Galvão Moreira

Kirk Warren said... 11

@anonymous 1 - Hadn't heard the Bruce Jones taking over for Checkmate. That does sound like at least a stay of execution for the title.

@brother129 - A little for my homies. *pours a cup out*

@darin - Ya, I completely forgot about Cable & Deadpool. When Cable was "killed", that title was pure comedy gold with the random Deadpool teamups. Shame we get two separate books of Cable and then one for Deadpool by Wolverine: Origins writer Daniel Way.

@cat - Ya, I'm actually going through the Waid FF trades now and they're a lot of fun. I didn't read them the first time around and only really started caring after the big fallout with Marvel when they were taken off the title. It's really great stuff, though.

I also forgot all abou the various Spider-Man titles. They were basically cut down in favour of Joe Q's agenda, despite books like FNSM doing some great things on its own. At least they were replaced with a solid cast of creators, like Slott, McNiven, etc.

@salieri - Like you and others have suggested, I think Gage is being set up to take over the title. I didn't really enjoy his one-shots, but I didn't hate them either. I think they suffered from him not being able to do anything with the characters as it would interfer with Ellis' work. I'd give him a try if he came on board, though.

It's mostly the new writer for Iron Fist that scares me about it's future. I remember the artist from the Ares mini-series and the previews do look good, aside form the old costume.

@deicide - Ya, same as I said to sal above, I'm hoping they go with Gage or someone similar when Ellis finally leaves.

Patrick Hulman said... 12

i'm not very happy with this. I <3 IIF and after looking at the last couple of Cables i'm not sure i'll keep it.

it' as if Frubaker took a gun and wiped out Fat Cobra..... /sigh

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