Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mighty Avengers #11 Review

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Mark Bagley

Apparently, Dr Doom somehow used magic to influence his time travel to arrive back in our time about a half hour before Iron Man and Sentry do and the bulk of this issue takes place, technically, before the events of the previous issue.

Doom, pissed off over the whole time travel debacle, unleashes a legion of undead minions with a spell that Morgan taught him and takes down the Avengers in a matter of minutes. This leads to a pretty funny scene with the Avengers all bound and hanging in another Doom base where Spider-Woman comments on how she's glad she woke up with clothes on this time, harkening all the way back to the first New Avengers arc where they ended up naked in the Savage Land. Upon relating this to the team, Wasp can't help but shout out with a big smirk on her face, "You saw Luke Cage naked?".

During this, Doom is busy preparing something or other on his computers, which later turned out to be that giant blast that Iron Man got caught in at the end of last issue. Speaking of which, that blast didn't do anything to him and he survived without so much as a scatch as far as I could tell. Ms. Marvel interrupts him at one point and Doom gives her a verbal beat down that has her thought bubbling about how that actual hurt her feelings. Wonder Man tried to cheer her up by letting her know she's not that fat. One of the funnier moments this week.

The issue ends with Spider-Woman freeing the entire team through voodoo spider power of unexplained nature of which I'm guessing Bendis is trying to make us all think she's a Skrull and even has Black Widow call her on at the end of the book. This leads to the return of Sentry and Iron Man, where upon Sentry promptly rips Doom's face off. Okay, his armour, but it was still one of the more badass moments and Sentry almost seemed like he was useful for a change. The look in Doom's eyes was priceless. Doom is then taken into custody.

All in all, this is an enjoyable read, but the thought bubbles mar just about every page. Doom has one page where literally half the page is one big continuous thought bubble. And while there were some funny and cool moments, the actual plot was pretty sub par and the arc, taken as a whole, was all over the place and there was never any clear threat or focus to the story.

Verdict - Check It

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