Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Young Avengers Presents - Hulkling #2 Review

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Harvey Talibao

I really liked this issue. Reed, who's writing the Captain Marvel mini, does a great job with him and Hulkling's complicated love child situation and the entire issue was an enjoyable read from start to finish.

It basically consisted of Teddy seeing his father back alive and confronting him and revealing he is his son. Captain Marvel is freaked out and we get to see Teddy blow some steam with the other Young Avengers and eventually the two meet up again and have a nice father-son chat. Reed really did a great job on this one.

The only thing I can really complain about is the art. It's not bad, but it's definitely doesn't suit my tastes. It's a small nitpick and probably only a matter of opinion, like how some like Yu or Ramos and others hate their styles.

Verdict - Must Read

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