Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Mark Brooks
I honestly forgot all about the Vision / Iron Lad / Cassie love triangle post Vision acquiring Iron Lad's thought patterns. It's just been so freaking long since the Young Avengers have been anything but background or cannonfodder for events.
Also, I've never really ever bought into the whole human loving a machine deal in science fiction / comics. Love is very much a biological reaction with little rational process and I just don't see a human falling in love with a machine that has no pheromones or what have you. I guess bias should also apply to aliens, but chicks with three boobs are hot (yes, that's a joke from Total Recall).
Another problem I have with this issue deals with the convenient loss of powers for each Cassie and Vision from one "special" gun from the AIM guys. If you can ignore such contrived plot devices and don't have any qualms about suspension of disblief concerning manbot love, I think this issue actually does a decent job with how little it had to work with.
I liked Cassie's attempt at defending the pro-Reg heroes' stance to Vision, but, considering she's in the Initiative and what's gone on in that title, I find it hard to believe she can still side with them after all the MVP madness and other shady things going on at Camp Hammond. It was just nice to see the whole team divided on registration addressed here. All-in-all, it was a decent one-shot that most YA fans will enjoy.
Verdict - Check It
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