Wednesday, February 27, 2008

X-Men: Legacy #208 Review

Written by Mike Carey
Art by John Romita Jr

Well, this wasn't terrible, but I won't be following this book anymore. It's a glorified retelling of the X-Men's, Xavier's in particular, past based on the first issue and I'm not exactly thrilled with how this sprang out of Messiah Complex.

Speaking of which, apparently the Acolytes had a member who could manipulate the speed of time, allowing Exodus and company to walk off with Xavier scott free. You'd think this guy would have maybe used this power during the fight so they could win / make off with the baby, but hey, they're trying to explain a retarded cop out, so I'll let it slide.

John Romita Jr must have a new inker with him as well. This, combined with Kick-Ass, show an almost return to form for him away from the dark, overly blocky (well, it's still a little blocky) and muddy artwork that WWH and much of his current work looks like.

Oh ya, Magneto shows up at the end, but that's not really a big surprise since we've known about it for a while. Anyone know why Exodus is treating him like crap here? He used to worship the man and now doesn't want to take any lip from him. Is it because he supposedly doesn't have his powers and is a 'flatscan'?

Verdict - Check It

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