Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weekly Crisis Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews for 02/27/08 - Updated

Here's about a half a dozen or so Quick Shot Reviews to hold you over for the time being. There's so many books that came out this week, I'm still working my way through the reviews. I'll try to get another 3 or 4 up by the end of the night, so check back later.

UPDATE - Added X-Men Legacy and Young Avengers Presents: Hulkling reviews.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank

Alright, now that this story has finally hit the battle sequence, I have to ask, why didn't they Legion just clean house long ago? There's like 5 bad guys, all of which are losers, with the exception of Earth Man, who is only strong now because of the multiple Legion members that they've captured. One half assed assault would be more than enough to stop this nonsense for good and wouldn't have required Superman.

As for this issue, there's some nice dialogue in the opening, especially the random comments from Brainiac, but, otherwise, this introduces even more Legion rejects to help attack the Justice League. They distract everyone, all 4 of them, and Superman and Brainiac's team goes about freeing the other Legion members and trying shut down Solar Boy, who is generating the red shifted Sun. Earth Man sneaks up on them with shapeshifting powers and a fight ensues where he fights the depowered Superman. I'm not sure how Superman lasts more than 2 seconds, let alone takes him flying out of the building into space. I'd imagine the glass would be re-enforced and impossible for him to bust through, even with a flight ring.

Next issue? Ya, Brainiac shuts down Solar Boy and Superman saves the day. Fairly generic. If there's any bumps, it'll probably have Superman get beaten and the entire freed Legion beats down Earth Man. Not much payoff coming from this story, but I'll stick it out for one more issue.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting and Butch Guice

I'm a bit disappointed with this issue. It felt like someone put the training wheels on this story and we're being guided by the hand. There's a few baby steps taken in plot progression and we get to see more Captain America beating up henchmen to show off the shiny new costume.

Now, disappointment for a Cap issue doesn't mean it was terrible. I still enjoyed it and recommend it in a heart beat, but there's no real wow factor here or anything that I would consider essential. Maybe knowing the fact Faustus has manipulated some officials to have Kronas (well, a dummy corporation subsidiary) security forces protecting the White House instead of SHIELD, who opened fire on the crowd last issue. Nothing else happens, plot wise. A riot, caused by Faustus' drugged water bottles, breaks out in front of the White House and Bucky breaks it up.

I imagine this will all matter next issue or a couple issues time when these security forces probably execute a coup and the Red Skull takes over, but for this single issue? It's filler for the most part. Highly enjoyable filler, but filler none the less.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Lark

I liked this issue, but I'm not sure how I should take it as the ending to the Mr Fear story. After seeing Fear's training regimen and all the build up, I assumed DD would get gassed, we'd have a brawl and Matt would eventually fight out of it and win. Standard super fight. Well, this one ends up with Daredevil beating the piss out of Mr Fear, realizing Fear isn't afraid of anything anymore, not even dying or being beaten by Matt or prison and that's it. I thing Fear landed one kick and that was his entire offense.

Fear even agrees to testify willingly that he was responsible for Daredevil's wife's condition and several other murders. I guess his only purpose was to put fear into Matt and he was happy with that, as he revealed there was no cure for her psychosis since he killed the chemist that made it. The closing scenes with Matt putting her in a home and the realization that just by knowing him, her life was ruined was pretty powerful stuff, but sad at the same time.

In the end, though, I'm not sure what Mr Fear was out to accomplish. Why go get your ass kicked by Murdock and go to jail? The little tidbit about how his fear powers don't require the gas anymore and are like pheromones was nice and he now runs the prison, but still, why not team up with Hood, kill / humiliate Matt and call it a day? Good issue, but a different, not sure if I'd call it great or bad, ending to this storyline.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose

Five issues. Five issues and the most we've gotten is a cameo of Gog. This issue should have been part 2 to the storyline. We could skip the last 3 issues and nothing of value would have been lost outside the odd Starman cameo, who, sadly, does not show up this issue. At least this issue actually gets the ball rolling on the Kingdom Come story.

The basic plot of this issue is Gog / Magog's origin. I think a 'see Wikipedia entry for Gog/Magog' would have been better, but they filled half a comic with the origin recap and I wouldn't say it was bad, but fairly straight forward and a bit tedious if you are already in the know.

The ending part deals with KC Superman going to talk to our Superman about the Gog that showed up a year ago. The two have a chat before KC Superman hears something in Gotham, to which our Superman seemed to be surprised by (can't he hear all over the world? He saved Connor, who was over on Amazon's Island a few months back.) and the two head there to see Hercules getting blasted through a wall by Gog.

Superman tries to question / help Herc, but a fight ensues where Hercules bloodies Superman's nose or lip (art was difficult for me to tell which) and then throws him into a building. Yes, the same Hercules that Wonder Girl was slapping around in her mini-series. Herc then tries to do the same to KC Superman, which results in a humourous moment where Herc punches him and nearly breaks his hand as KC Superman doesn't even flinch. The two Supermen dispose of Herc quickly after that and then go check on Gog, who teleports away just as they arrive.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Francis Manapul and John Livesay

As I said in my Post-Crisis Previews, I started picking up this title on a recommendation over my misgivings with the Legion in Action Comics and, while I'm probably the least knowledgable Legion reader around, I'm really liking this book. I started with the soft relaunch by Shooter a couple issues back and, while it's not the best title, this is still very fun stuff. I'm not sure how it lines up with older Legion fans or the first 36 or so issues, but coming on this for the first time, I'm having no problems assimilating and they aren't throwing a million Legion members at me all at once, so it's easy to get into as a noob. If you have any interest in the book or characters and always found it too intimidating to get in, you might want to try this title. I'm glad I did.

Enough gushing. I feel like a kid talking about his new toy. The actual story for this issue is mostly dealing with the aftermath of the events from the last few issues.

I really like Princess Projectra and her fall from grace now that she's no longer a princess and has no planet. She channels a lot of Emma Frost-esque attitude and even has the white hair to boot. Again, I'm new, so I don't know if this old ground being retread or a drastic change in character for her, but it's new to me and it looks good to me storywise.

The bulk of the issue, though, jumps from Legion field team to team, showing us how they are wrapping up their various missions. One scene that really sticks out to me, being new to the Legion and all, is a panel where some officals dealing with the Legion are reading a "Guide to The Legion of Super-Heroes" book as they name off a few abilities for us. Small thing, but got a chuckle out of me, as I feel like I could use one of those sometimes.

Lastly, it looks like Brainiac, or at least I assume it's him, is checking up on Lightning Lad's rather sloppy leadership skills throughout this issue, as a shadowed figure is seen commenting on the various mission logs before disappearing as Lighning Lad, who forgot to put some pants on, comes in at the end to a now empty room.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Someone convince me to keep buying this book. Please. Because I think I'm done. I don't think there's a single redeemable quality in this issue. No, not even Blue Beetle managed to do anything for me here.

The entire issue is about Kid "Emoboy" Devil and how his life sucks and everyone hates him all of a sudden. To rectify this, he goes on an internet fansite and invites a dozen or so guys he doesn't know to party at Titans Tower and make himself feel loved, since everyone is out of town and basically hate him now. Yes, it's retarded and of course a super villain is in the group.

Once the team finds out about the party, they yell at Kid Devil, he goes out for some ice cream or whatever and one of the guys from the party reveals himself as a villain and attacks KD. The issue ends with the Terror Titans revealed. Kill me now.

Verdict - Avoid It

Written by Mike Carey
Art by John Romita Jr

Well, this wasn't terrible, but I won't be following this book anymore. It's a glorified retelling of the X-Men's, Xavier's in particular, past based on the first issue and I'm not exactly thrilled with how this sprang out of Messiah Complex.

Speaking of which, apparently the Acolytes had a member who could manipulate the speed of time, allowing Exodus and company to walk off with Xavier scott free. You'd think this guy would have maybe used this power during the fight so they could win / make off with the baby, but hey, they're trying to explain a retarded cop out, so I'll let it slide.

John Romita Jr must have a new inker with him as well. This, combined with Kick-Ass, show an almost return to form for him away from the dark, overly blocky (well, it's still a little blocky) and muddy artwork that WWH and much of his current work looks like.

Oh ya, Magneto shows up at the end, but that's not really a big surprise since we've known about it for a while. Anyone know why Exodus is treating him like crap here? He used to worship the man and now doesn't want to take any lip from him. Is it because he supposedly doesn't have his powers and is a 'flatscan'?

Verdict - Check It

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Harvey Talibao

I really liked this issue. Reed, who's writing the Captain Marvel mini, does a great job with him and Hulkling's complicated love child situation and the entire issue was an enjoyable read from start to finish.

It basically consisted of Teddy seeing his father back alive and confronting him and revealing he is his son. Captain Marvel is freaked out and we get to see Teddy blow some steam with the other Young Avengers and eventually the two meet up again and have a nice father-son chat. Reed really did a great job on this one.

The only thing I can really complain about is the art. It's not bad, but it's definitely doesn't suit my tastes. It's a small nitpick and probably only a matter of opinion, like how some like Yu or Ramos and others hate their styles.

Verdict - Must Read

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Negadarkwing said... 1

So all the Teen Titans do now is fight evil versions of the Teen Titans?

Sazyski said... 2

I think magneto might be hiding something in that regard. I would not be surprised to find out he's re-powered.

Leeisl said... 3

"You'd think this guy would have maybe used this power during the fight so they could win / make off with the baby,"

Actually as shown in NXM #46 she was about to do exactly that when Cable knocks her out from behind with his rifle.

Anonymous said... 4

Mr. Fear is crazy. This is comics. That's why, right?

Christine said... 5

Yeah, Mr Fear is crazy, and he gets his kicks out of torturing Matt, not killing him (cat playing with a mouse style). I think the way it went down made perfect sense. The physical fight was never the big thing for Cranston, he just wanted to see the look on Matt's face when he realized he'd been completely manipulated. As for him turning himself in, that's both a sign of complete hubris and the whole "artist taking credit for his work" thing. I couldn't have asked for anything more from DD #105, even though I saw the Milla development coming a mile away. I'm sad to see her go (temporarily?), but the issue was great and gut-wrenchingly realistic in how Matt's emotions were portrayed. I liked it a lot.

Kirk Warren said... 6

@leeisl - That's kind of the point though. Don't use deus ex machina characters like that if you are just going to have them knocked out when, in theory, they'd be using their powers from the outset (the Marauders were all cloaked / illusions from Mastermind at the start of the fight) when no one could see them. X-Force lands, X-Force dies before they realise what happened. He was there simply to explain away the cop out ending. That's all I was trying to get at with that comment.

I'm probably looking for every little thing to complain about for that title now, as I'm a little upset and bitter over it, so definitely some bias there. It was still a good issue overall, but nothing I'm willing to put out $3 a month for.

@christine / salieri - Oh, I realize he's quite crazy and I did like the issue. I just found it odd Brubaker showed us how supposedly capabable Fear was a few issues earlier and built up to this huge confrontation where he wanted to face him one on one and then has Matt mop the floor with him.

It was just a different way to end then I imagined. I wasn't expecting a typical super hero brawl, but not something like this either and it was a bit of a curve ball that caught me off guard. Still satisfactory, but different nonetheless.

As you say Christine, the ending with Milla was quite sad. I really hope she isn't gone for good and that we see more from her. Matt's reaction in those last few pages was the best part of the issue for me and really drove home how much Fear got to him.

However, if she's written out of the series like this, I'll lose a bit of respect for Brubaker. She's still his wife and he loves her, so I hope she still remains a part of Matt's life despite being put in a home.

Anonymous said... 7

And of course, this does add a new entry to 'The Big Book Of Badly-Done Marvel marriage Break-Ups'...

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