Friday, February 29, 2008

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 02/27/08

Writing these little intros is probably the hardest part of my posts. I almost always feel like I'm repeting myself when it comes to writing them. I almost always feel like I'm repeating myself when it comes to writing them. Take these week's Comic Book Moments of the Week. I have to say something like it was chalk full of great moments, but it was mostly dominated by certain books, Thor and Blue Beetle in this case, like I do every week and make it sound interesting because I can't just have a blank post that just says Click Here to Read More. Oh, if you can think of something I might have missed that you think deserves mention, leave a comment and I'll see if I can find a scan of said moment and update the post. Anyways, click here to read more.


"How's the wife?"

Great opening line for this showdown between DD and Mr Fear. It's such an dickish line when you take into account how he's driven her insane with an incurable toxin that's pretty much destroyed her, and Matt's by default, life.
"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago. "

While I don't honestly consider this on the scale of Ozymandias' role in Watchmen, the whole, "I beat you weeks ago." bit instantly reminded me of ol' Ozzy. Add in how hard Fear's words hit Matt here and it's a really powerful scene. The facial expressions for Fear without his mask on in the entire issue were perfect, as well.


"The many faces of Robin."

This is just about every image of Robin from this issue. The kid needs a vacation. He looks like he's going to take an aneurysm or pop a blood vessel. Sad thing is, just about everyone looks like this in the issue with the exception of Kid Devil, who just looks emo all the time.


"That's Goddamn Bastard to you!"

This scene, with just the fact Batman and Robin are painted completely yellow and in a yellow room would be worth it, but seeing Robin in the background worried more about catching glass and refilling the lemonade pushed this over the top.

"I first met him six years ago -- on a trip to Istanbul..."

I don't know why, but I just find the way he brings up this Istanbul story too funny to believe. The fact Hal was almost willing to believe it before Batman decided to let him in on the joke is even funnier.


"Yes, Wonder Girl is stronger than Superman."

This scene, taken by itself is pretty badass in showing KC Superman has years of solar power built up and is a lot stronger than Superman. However, taking into consideration that Wonder Girl was beating around Hercules in her miniseries and this gets a little sad for our Superman, who's given a bloody nose from the same Hercules. Still, cool scene.


"That's no way to get a head in life."

It's official. Piper's the New Gods killer. Okay, maybe not, but still, he just blew Desaad's head off with a flute. His encore was blowing up a freaking planet. This man needs a Grammy.


"Invisible Kid? I don't see you in here."

The image says it all. Just a cute, little Easter egg-like gag with the guidebook that most readers probably need for the huge cast of characters.


"They freaking wiped out the universe and you mourn them? WTF?"

Seriously, these guys just wiped out all life in the universe with the exception of the handful of people left on Earth and they were just coming back to kill them all! I can see maybe burying them, but to be mourning their graves 3 weeks later? What the hell kind of people are these?


"Most Improved Character goes to Kong"

Kenny, here, has become one of my favourite characters in USM over the last few months. I loved this 'outing' scene and can't wait to see where they go with this. I imagine Liz will be finding out about Peter / Spider-Man soon as well.

To be honest, only an idiot couldn't have figured this out by now. Human Torch, Iceman and Kitty Pryde show up at their school and are all hanging out with Peter Parker, the biggest nerd there. Spider-Man is purported to be going to that school. That alone would tell me there's something up with 'Puny Parker' and we haven't even touched all the other craziness.


"Don't be a hero."

Rule #1 in the hero business - don't play in traffic. Despite how much I enjoyed Kick-Ass, there weren't many scenes I'd consider moment worthy and since I didn't want to scan all the pages where he got his ass kicked and run over by a car, you'll just have to settle for this pavement kissing ending page.


"Best. Girlfriend. Evar."

Who doesn't want a hot, magic wielding girlfriend that'll even bring you cookies?

"Improbably hot!"

First, there's Paco and Traci's monosybillic greetings, then there's the Beetle Mobile and finally we get Brenda's reaction to seeing Jaime's girlfriend for the first time. Few pages are this good.

"Bees. My god."

This was almost too subtle for me to pick up, but damn is it funny once you see it. Remember Amazons Attack? Ya, I try to forget it as well. But remember the Batman 'bees line'? Ya, note the projections Traci 13 is making here and the father's line becomes that much funnier.

"Clothes make the man."

As far as plain Jane spandex clothing goes, this is a pretty decent Blue Beetle costume for Jaime, who's usually got the bug armour on. Love the added goggles touch.

"Khaji Da!"

That's ripped from Dan Garret, the original Blue Beetle's magic word (I think it's actually a slightly different ordering of the syllables, but close enough), which, to me, implies Jaime's going to be hooked up with either a 'magic' armour alla Dan's old one or this will somehow hook him back up with his scarab. A great cliffhanger either way.


"What's a septic tank?"

The scene with the other Asgardians on the second page as they act innocent about dumping crap over the side of Asgard is priceless.

"Bill, son of Bills."

First, I love the colouring on this scene. Everything about it just clicks for me. Add in Bill's reaction to the half naked, blonde goddess and it's a great scene all around.

"How come you never punched a boar and knocked it out, Dad?"

Boar punching is a hobby of mine, as well. I do it when I'm boared. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. This caps off the trio of daily encounters with Asgardians and the townsfolk and I'm hoping we get to see more scenes like these in the months to come.

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Sazyski said... 1

'Asgardians in Oklahoma' should be a series of regular backup features (actually, if I were in charge it would be supplemental and free web content, but that's neither here or now.) in thor. I can't wait for JMS to follow up on Bill, born of Bills and Kelda.

It's too awesome to leave alone.

Anonymous said... 2

ahh got to love these moments of the week. i didnt buy allstar batman and robin the boy wonder, but i can only imagine the hurting the goddamn batman puts on hal for making him drop his lemonade

Kirk Warren said... 3

@sazyski - ya, I can imagine an Asgardian banquet where they invite all the townsfolk up for some fun interactions. can't wait to see Loki picking on the humans.

@nu - Actually, Batman lets Robin put the beat down on Hal and he nearly kills Hal in the process with a nerve strike to the throat. I probably could have posted that in there as well. Batman just laughed at Hal's sad attempt at hurting him.

Anonymous said... 4

haha. at least now the world knows that even one of the greatest green lanterns is no match for the goddamn batman, or his still in training young ward robin.

Ron Cacace said... 5

dick grayson, 12 years old

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