Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Justice Society of America #13 Review

Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose

Five issues. Five issues and the most we've gotten is a cameo of Gog. This issue should have been part 2 to the storyline. We could skip the last 3 issues and nothing of value would have been lost outside the odd Starman cameo, who, sadly, does not show up this issue. At least this issue actually gets the ball rolling on the Kingdom Come story.

The basic plot of this issue is Gog / Magog's origin. I think a 'see Wikipedia entry for Gog/Magog' would have been better, but they filled half a comic with the origin recap and I wouldn't say it was bad, but fairly straight forward and a bit tedious if you are already in the know.

The ending part deals with KC Superman going to talk to our Superman about the Gog that showed up a year ago. The two have a chat before KC Superman hears something in Gotham, to which our Superman seemed to be surprised by (can't he hear all over the world? He saved Connor, who was over on Amazon's Island a few months back.) and the two head there to see Hercules getting blasted through a wall by Gog.

Superman tries to question / help Herc, but a fight ensues where Hercules bloodies Superman's nose or lip (art was difficult for me to tell which) and then throws him into a building. Yes, the same Hercules that Wonder Girl was slapping around in her mini-series. Herc then tries to do the same to KC Superman, which results in a humourous moment where Herc punches him and nearly breaks his hand as KC Superman doesn't even flinch. The two Supermen dispose of Herc quickly after that and then go check on Gog, who teleports away just as they arrive.

Verdict - Check It

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