Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Ruy Jose
This is definitely a step up from a few months ago, when absolutely nothing related to the Kingdom Come aspect of this story was happening in this title, but it was a bit of a let down from the last issue and that epic final cliffhanger splashpage.
Instead of a huge battle between Green Lantern, Obsidian and Gog (technically, he isn't Gog, just a guy named Matthew), we get a few pages of them fighting, Power Girl offering the dumbest advice I've ever heard (hint: super strong people wearing armour do it for decoration. It's not actually heavy and they won't sink in water.), and the team back to the generic dogpile fighting that doesn't really do anything for me.
Don't get me wrong, it was still good, but it lacked any real emotion. No one is getting hurt by this monster, who the entire team can't even slow down, let alone stop, yet everyone is still just jumping on him and he keeps going. On top of that, Johns decides to keep pushing his new members, like Judomaster, for example, and giving them a lot of pages to strut their stuff. I guess if you love these 4 month old characters enough, these are great scenes, but watching them get steamrolled by Gog instead of showing me the KC armour GL / Obsidian / Gog fight after that cliffhanger last month just burns me up a bit.
Our big brawl didn't even have a proper conclusion. Gog boom tubes (there was a boom, I guess he has boom tubes) half the team to the Gog statue and promptly gets eaten by said statue, which is then revealed to be an alien entity and not from Earth as it starts growing into a giant, golden Gog with a purple face, prompting a big WTF from me. Oh ya, Sandman is still alive and explains this to everyone.
There was a Green Lantern #25-like "Next Year in JSA" page at the end that offered some VERY interesting previews of future storylines. We have someone, off panel, dying in what looks like the jungle area they are currently in, Earth-2 and Kara going home, which we all knew, Magog's arrival and, saving the best for last, Black Adam and Isis (!) taking over the Rock of Eternity!
Verdict - Check It. Let down after so much promise at the end of last issue, but still a good issue in its own right. Only problem is it had to follow up on probably the best JSA issue since it relaunched. The one page preview at the end almost makes me want to make this a Must Read. Look for it in the Moments of the Week.
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