Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #26 Review

Written by Daniel & Charles Knauf
Art by Roberto De La Torre

Comics like Iron Man #26 come along once in a blue moon. They are perfect on just about every level that it is hard to believe a comic could be that good. All the hype and build up for this Iron Man and Mandarin confrontation delivered in every way possible. There was no way I could consider any other comic this week for Comic Book of the Week.

If you aren't reading this title, Mandarin has been plotting in the shadows for a while now. He's taken a Ra's al Ghul kind of motis operandi this time around and wants to use Extremis to wipe out the majority of humanity and start over. He has no desire to rule either, as he is a negative for Extremis compatability, meaning he dies when the bioweapon is used.

The whole time, he's been working against Tony, faking Maya's death, using her to create his new Extremis weapon and, in general, making Tony's life hell. Well, last issue, it all came to ahead as Tony realized the Mandarin's been alive all this time and is behind everything and the issue ended with Tony, with his Extremis powers blocked and using one of his old Iron Man armours, finally meeting up with the Mandarin.

This issue consisted of Iron Man and Mandarin kicking the crap out of each other six ways from Sunday. If the Iron Man movie can channel half the energy and explosiveness of this fight, it'll make $texas at the box office. It's hard to believe this is the same Iron Man that over in Hulk #2 is taken out by Hulk hitting him with a single F-16.

Not only was the fight great, but the supporting cast, in the form of Dugan and Hill, were also handled extremely well. I can't understand why people dislike Hill so much, as she's been excellent in every appearance in this book and her character and personality are revealed perfectly through her interactions with Dugan here.

Verdict - Must Read. I've only recently started following Iron Man back around the end of Civil War and it has continually improved every month and everything the Knauf's have been building to really paid off here. The only thing I'm worried about is how they will ever top this issue.

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Anonymous said... 1

I haven't read #26 yet, but now I am looking forward to it. Thanks!

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