Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nightwing #140 Review

Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Rags Morales & Michael Bair

So begins the "new era of Nightwing" for about the 10th time in the past year. I only gave this a shot because of Tomasi and how impressive he has been on Black Adam. I'm not disappointed a gave this a shot, but I wasn't blown away either.

I feel Nightwing works best when he's off on his own and not stuck in the shadow of the bat. It's why when this book launched with the whole Bludhaven setting that this worked so well. It was his own place and his own life for a change. With Bludhaven destroyed by DiDio, it looks like Dick will be setting up shop in New York in yet another Wayne family owned estate, this time a castle. It's a bit contrived, but I'll let it slide.

Regarding the 'new era', it sure feels a lot like the old one, except slightly better written. We get obligatory Batman, Robin and Alfred cameos, the random ninja fight and even a Talia appearance. There are more than a few times that Tomasi is overly verbose and I feel like I'm reading a page of dialogue boxes. In the end, it's a good, solid opening, but has a lot of room for improvement.

Verdict - Check It

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