Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Belated Christmas!

I meant to get a X-Mas post up earlier, but with friends, relatives and various trips to random parties, as well as a bit too much eggnog, I just never got around to it. Further compounding that was the 20+ cm of snow we got on Boxing Day. I actually just got my internet back earlier today.

So, while a tad late, Merry Christmas! Personally, I made off like a bandit this year. I took home Absolute Sandman Vol 1 & 2 and the Captain America Omnibus as my major presents. Sure, there were clothes and other crap, but, come on, comics are the only thing that matters.

I'm sure everyone else walked away with some sort of comic book related presents this year. Feel free to let everyone know in the comments. I'd love to hear what everyone else picked up. At the very least, it'll give me some ideas for year-end clearance or Boxing Day sales at my local comic shop.

Oh yeah, expect regular updates to pick up again now that the holidays are over. Just don't talk to me about One More Day. Finding my 360 red ringed and those atrocious OMD ending spoilers on Christmas Day just about ruined my Christmas.

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Anonymous said... 1

Belated Merry Christmas to you as well.

I also got the CA omnibus, and also finally got my hands on all three Annihilation softcovers, which proved to be a great read.

Lastly, I'm glad you won't be talking about the utter atrocity of a story that is OMD. I'm sure I can get the overload of reactions elsewhere, if I want to!

Ron Cacace said... 2

* Annihilation : Books 1-3
* Incredible Hulk Visionaries : Peter David - Volumes 1-4
* The Ultimates HC
* The Ultimates 2 HC
* 52 Volumes 1-4
* Fables Volumes 1-9
* The Immortal Iron Fist Volume 1
* The Dark Tower HC
* Captain America by Ed Brubaker Omnibus
* Green Lantern Volume 1: No Fear
* Marvel Select - Marvel Zombies Spider-Man
* Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
* Writing For Comics by Peter David

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