Friday, December 28, 2007

Captain America #33 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting

There is no other book that is as consistently good, no, excellent as Captain America. It was easily my Comic Book of the Week, as it's been almost every time it's come out since I started this site.

This issue delivered on the promised Winter Soldier VS Iron Man fight as well as set up next month's debut of the new Captain America. On top of this, they managed to find time to set the Skull's master plan into motion and deliver several excellent character moments. Most books settle for one of these things. Cap delivers on all of them.

The Bucky / Iron Man fight did a good job of showcasing both characters without jobbing out either one. Bucky's attempted EMP was easily stopped by Iron Man and his quip afterwards left me wondering if he remembered Civil War at all. The only thing I really had a problem with was the one thing I have a problem with all of Iron Man's fights. Is his helmet held on with masking tape or something? I know Bucky has the bionic arm and all that, but this is the most advanced piece of tech on the planet and I think a child could pull that thing off. Aside from that one gripe, the fight was great all around.

The fight ended with Tony telling Bucky about Cap's letter and, later, showing said letter to him. As most expected, this obviously led to Tony offering Bucky the job as the new Captain America. It was handled well and, while no big shocker, was still quite enjoyable to see. I don't agree with the new Cap's costume, but I suspect Bucky will fill the role perfectly.

Verdict - Must Read

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