Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Supergirl #23 Review

Written by Kelley Puckett
Art by Drew Johnson

What the hell was this? The new creative team of Puckeet and Johnson took over Supergirl with this issue and I have no freaking clue what I just read. Was it a tie-in to the Sinestro Corps War? There's an army of Green Lanterns fighting some unknown menace that's opening portals...or something that could be construed as part of the SCW. It's never really made clear.

is here, too, and he sends Supergirl on some mission to follow a space ship. The rest of the issue is basically 7 pages of Supergirl flying through space. No text. No inner monologue. No descriptions. Just Supergirl flying in space.

At the end of her trip, she flies through and star and teleports back to Earth, looks at her watch, realizes it's been 2 hours and flies away. The end. Seriously, what the hell was this garbage?

Verdict - WTF? (Avoid It)

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