Monday, November 5, 2007

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 11/07/07

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. There's a lot of good books coming out this Wednesday and the Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews are here to let you know what to expect from my pull list this coming week.

November signals the beginning of Annihilation: Conquest and you can catch the finishing touches of the Starlord mini as well and you can be sure I'll be picking up the opening salvo of that event this upcoming week. On top of that is the final part of the Illuminati series, which sets up the Secret Invasion event coming next year. On the DC side of things, there's always a few Countdown tie-ins to be had and the enjoyable Third Kryptonian arc is wrapping up. Hit the jump for the full previews and my thoughts on everything I'm getting.

Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Tom Raney

This is it, the beginning of the next Annihilation main event! In the PROLOGUE, the Phalanx launched a sneak attack on the Kree Empire, in NOVA, QUASAR, STAR-LORD and WRAITH, heroes separated by distance but united by willpower took their first steps to liberating a galaxy in peril. Now all the threads begin to weave together -- and if you thought the surprises were over, think again! What are the Phalanx really after? What new players will change the game? And what last-page reveal will leave your jaw hanging? Grab your weapon and join the fight for freedom with the powerhouse creative team of writers Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning and penciler Tom Raney (ULTIMATE X-MEN)!

Kirk Says: Conquest is finally here. The mini-series were about equal to the first Annihilation's offerings. Quasar and Wraith are the Ronan and Super Skrull for this year, Nova was just as good as last year and Starlord was probably better than the Silver Surfer mini or at least equal. Most of us were too weak willed and looked at the spoilers for this issue's big reveal and I'm curious to see how it plays out for myself this week.

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Timothy Green III

Will Peter Quill and his ragtag squad succeed in their adventure – or is it truly a suicide mission? Hordes of the Phalanx close in on Star-Lord, Bug, Captain Universe, Deathcry, Groot, Mantis and Rocket Raccoon–and one may make the supreme sacrifice! You loved him in the ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST PROLOGUE–now find out Star-Lord's last act before ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST #1!

Kirk Says: Starlord has been excellent from the very beginning and I'm hoping Giffen can deliver a memorable finish to lead us into Conquest. Could easily end up being my Comic Book of the Week.

Written by Joss Whedon
Art by John Cassidy

The end is near. The situation is dire. The outlook is bleak. But Cyclops has a plan. Part 5 (of 6)

Kirk Says: I'm not even sure if this book is coming out. I just saw it in Marvel's solicits for this week and added it to the list. More than likely the website just wasn't updated, but in the off chance it actually is coming out, I've got it covered. If I had known there would be so many delays for this, I'd just have skipped it and grabbed it when the trade came out.

Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Adam Beechen
Art by Carlos Magno

The countdown continues with a new name and even bigger thrills! Karate Kid makes it to the bunker in Blüdhaven and confronts both Firestorm and the Atomic Knights! Jimmy Olsen enslaved on Apokolips! Mary Marvel not enslaved on Apokolips! The Monitor, Jason Todd and Donna Troy home in on Ray Palmer’s trail! Desaad takes control! Lex Luthor kidnapped — but by whom? Trickster and Piper: One will live…one will die! And Mister Mxyzptlk explains it all! Plus, more DC VILLAINS origin backup stories, including: Desaad.

Kirk Says: I thought last issue was a huge jump in the presentation of Countdown in both story and art. It still hasn't been spectacular, but hopefully it can continue the momentum with the new name change and become a true successor to 52.

Written by Peter Johnson
Art by Kelley Jones

Will the Challengers of the Beyond become legends on a world ruled by vampires? Or will one of them become a threat to the rest of the team?

Kirk Says: Red Rain is one of the best Elseworlds ever produced and ranks up there as one of the best Batman tales. Search For Ray Palmer has been hit and miss, but I'm hoping they can deliver on this one.

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Paul Pelletier

The original Fantastic Four is together again, just in time to cross paths with a hero who has traveled twenty years into the past in a desperate attempt to save his future from Reed Richards, the madman who is about to change the face of the planet. Oh, and the hero who has come back to save the world? His name is Doctor Doom.

Kirk Says: Have I mentioned I hate Michael Turner's art lately? The man manages to make Dr Doom look bad and with a group of 5 people on the cover, he still manages to not draw a single set of feet. How these covers are popular are beyond me. He's barely a step above Rob Liefeld. Oh ya, not sure what to make of this solicit. Sounds interesting, but McDuffie has been quite erratic on his FF tenure.

Written by Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction
Art by David Aja

The kung fu tournament to end all tournaments continues in this, the third part of THE SEVEN CAPITAL CITIES OF HEAVEN. Davos and Crane Mother’s conspiracy to crush K'un-Lun and the Iron Fist legacy once and for all springs to life. The Heroes for Hire continue tracking the rogue Hydra cell across the snow-swept Himalayas. The wicked Bride of Nine Spiders spins her terrible web. America continues to fall in love with Fat Cobra. And Danny Rand returns to the fight, armed now with the long-lost life story of Orson Randall, the Last Iron Fist. Will he be too late?

Kirk Says: Ah, glorious Iron Fist loving. Brubaker and Fraction can't put this series out fast enough for me. Count me in as one of the people wanting to see more Fat Cobra. Hopefully a rematch is in order.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Aaron Lopresti

This is it - one of the biggest mysteries of Ms. Marvel's life is revealed. The march to Ms. Marvel's record-breaking issue #25 begins here as Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI) and Aaron Lopresti (INCREDIBLE HULK) take Carol Danvers to Monster Island where the very fate of the planet Earth - possibly the galaxy - hangs in the balance.

Kirk Says: Ms Marvel's been pretty solid book. Not great, not bad with the exception of the last couple issues with the Nextwave incarnation of Machine Man being awesome. I'm curious to see the follow up on the 'murder' of Puppet Master by Ms Marvel last issue. Hopefully Machine Man is still kicking around after the conclusion to the last arc as I can never get enough of his Nextwave personality.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Jim Cheung

The Illuminati get together for the first time since Planet Hulk and the Civil War to deal with the shocking reveals in NEW and MIGHTY AVENGERS. But not everyone in the cabal is who they say they are. Its a throw-down drag-out that opens the door to the Marvel event of 2008!! WHO DO YOU TRUST?? Do not miss this important chapter in the saga!!

Kirk Says: The final part is finally here. If you're interested in who I think might be a Skrull, check out my Usual Skrullspects article. Too bad Mighty Avengers didn't ship on time as we've seen previews of future issues of that title where Spider-Woman gives Tony the Skrull Elektra corpse, which is the basis of this issue. Either way, this is going to be a key issue in next years Secret Invasion event, so it's pretty much a must read for any Marvel fan.

ROBIN #168
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Freddie Williams II

A special issue written by Peter Milligan (X-Men, X-Statix) kicks off the 7-part “Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul,” crossing over with the Batman family of books! Readers discovered in last month’s BATMAN #670 that Ra’s al Ghul has returned from the dead! What does Ra’s resurrection have to do with Batman’s son, Damian? And more important, why does this send Damian toward a head-on collision with Robin at Wayne Manor? Guest starring Talia al Ghul and the Sensei!

Kirk Says: One thing I hate about these line wide cross overs is being forced to buy books I don't care about. The Robin Annual from last week was complete rubbish. I'll be getting this week's offering only for the Ra's stuff. Hopefully this issue actually has some meat to it.

Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Tan Eeh Huat

The Silver Surfer delves alone into the furthest depths of the void; tangling with organ-stealing pirates, demonic beasts and a race of alien aristocrats. Everyone’s favorite Cosmic Wanderer discovers that even in the midst of a galactic utopia, horror is never far away...With electrifying artwork by the dynamic Tan Eng Huat (Doom Patrol, Batman) and an endlessly inventive script by Simon Spurrier – the writer behind the sold-out Gutsville – In Thy Name promises to be this fall most spectacular Alien Extravaganza!

Kirk Says: Anyone know if this is in continuity or just another Silver Surfer: Requiem that has no impact on the current status quo? I like good Surfer stories, so I'll be giving this first issue a shot regardless. Oh ya, check out another garbage Turner cover. No feet yet again. Who cares though, they're not a very common piece of anatomy. Why would he ever need to draw them on a cover?

Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Rick Leonardi & Dan Green

Superman comes face to face with the mysterious third Kryptonian living on Earth in “The Third Kryptonian," Part 2 of 3! Revelations about Krypton's past, its survivors and its enemies come fast and furious in a centuries-spanning story of interstellar adventure and survival. But someone's stalking the third Kryptonian…and now he's after Superman, too! This issue has all the answers — and leads directly into SUPERMAN ANNUAL #13, on sale three weeks later!

Kirk Says: I'm going to guess this solicit info is wrong since part 2 already came out. Been enjoying this storyline so far and I'm curious to see what they do with the new Kryptonian.

Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Barry Kitson

Scientifically augmented zombie mutant…meat…things…continue their messy rampage through Los Angeles, and it falls to the Order not just to stop the attack, but to figure out the horrible truth behind it all. Meanwhile, how do you solve a super-murder? Is there a CSI for super heroes? There is now. And through it all, some of the gang start to realize that even though they want to save the world, they might not have it in them. What then? The pressures of performing start to eat away at the Order as, joy of joys, they get evicted from the Bradbury. Yes: It's just another beautiful day in southern California for THE ORDER.

Kirk Says: The Order has yet to wow me since it began. It's not that it's been bad or anything. I just think it might not be my cup of tea. Gonna stick with it until issue 6 at least to see how this opening arc pans out.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Billy Tan

The biggest mutant event in a decade continues here! Following the Messiah Complex one-shot, the X-Men scramble to search for the missing mutant newborn. But they’ll need to tackle the Acolytes before they get any answers.

Kirk Says: The Messiah Complex Special did nothing to impress me and I'm fully expecting this issue to be mostly flash backs and catch up for the people that didn't buy the special. Hopefully something worthwhile happens, but I'm not holding my breath.

*Note* Solicit information and covers from DC and Marvel respectively. This post does not contain all comics coming out next week, just the ones I intend on purchasing.

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Anonymous said... 1

Are you sure Crime Bible comes again this week?

Kirk Warren said... 2

I just did a double check and you're right. I grabbed my solicits this week from and it has it listed for the 7th. DC's site seems to have it as the 28th for issue 2.

Nice catch, I'll remove that from the listing.

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