Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Silver Surfer: In Thy Name #1 Review

Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Tan Eeh Huat

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect with this issue. I haven't kept up with this title in the least and didn't what it was about or even know if it was in or out of continuity before reading it. It's out of continuity for those curious.

With that said, I love the concept of the Silver Surfer and I believe the early Stan Lee days of his first series are some of the best stories featuring the Surfer. The 90's and beyond were not kind to our resident Surfer and I'm quite pleased with his recent resurgence post-Annihilation. In Thy Name continues the trend of great Surfer stories with a classic portrayal of the philospher Surfer, ever surfing the universe in search of knowledge and trying to aid people whereever the cosmos take him.

The bulk of this issue deals with the Silver Surfer meeting a new race so advanced and foreward thinking that they have created a confederation of over 100 planets that all live in peace and harmony in a utopian society. The Surfer spends most of the issue conversing with the people and exploring this culture's world.

While this race appears to live in a true utopia, there are hints at things hidden beneath the surface throughout the issue and by the end of the issue, it appears the aliens have brought the Surfer to an undeveloped world that worships a deity similar in nature to the Surfer under the pretense of helping said race. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or if they are trying to use the Surfer to possibly subjugate this undeveloped race or if their intentions are actually benign as they say.

What I do know is that this was a great first issue that pretty much anyone can pick up and enjoy and I'm looking forward to the remaining issues of this series. However, it would be a disservice to the artist if I did not mention the exquisite artwork in this issue. It is truly top notch and does an incredible job displaying the vivid imagry of the various alien races and the utopian society they have created.

Verdict - Must Read. Excellent first issue that features a perfect portrayal of the Silver Surfer in what could be one of his greatest stories based on this first issue alone. Here's hoping they can follow up on this incredible first issue.

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