Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Detective Comics #838 Review

Written by Paul Dini
Art by Ryan Benjamin and Saleem Crawford

First off, this is the best art they could get for the flagship Batman title for a major event like the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul? Ra's changes shape and grows hair from panel to panel and there are several scenes with Batman, particularly facial expressions, that just plain look odd to me. The only thing that looked good was the new Bat-armour that Talia just happened to have on hand for her beloved.

Ignoring the art, this was another solid addition to this story. I enjoyed seeing Damian bail on Robin and his explanation for leaving him behind was pretty funny. Seems Ra's wants to make Batman join him to take on the Sensei or choose between Robin and Damian as to who becomes Ra's' next host body. Nightwing was actually competent for the second issue in a row, which is a first for him in a long time. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes in the upcoming issues.

However, there's still a lot of mystery players that we have been given little to no information about, such as I-Ching and Sensei, and we still don't even know how Ra's came back from the dead or what Sensei's beef with Ra's is. I know he appeared in the old Adams' issues in the 70's, but a quick refresher for those out of the loop would be nice.

Verdict - Check It

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