Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting
What happened this issue to make me feel this way? Well, Black Widow and Falcon go into the sewers following the trail of Sharon Carter, who betrayed and shot the two unsuspecting heroes a couple issues ago. How do they find her trail? Falcon's pet bird apparently followed Sharon after she blasted them and is relaying that information to Falcon.
Alright, ignoring the absurdity of this premise (yes, I know he can understand his bird, but the bird was knocked out as well several issues ago, but somehow woke up early and followed Sharon), let's follow up on what happens in the sewers. Falcon and Widow beat up random, faceless henchmen for about 15 or so pages while Faustus makes his escape. The end.
Sure, there were other things happening in this issue, like the cop out from last issue's cliffhanger, but for the most part, it was a generic action issue. Heroes miraculously find the villains base, bust in, beat up guards while the villains make their escape. Heroes can't pursue villain because they have to save a falling Bucky, whom the villains threw out the back of their plane.
Verdict - Check It. Usually give this a Must Read, but this issue was just plain average and, if you compare it to previous offerings from this series, almost mediocre in comparison. Note, compared to the insanely high quality of previous Captain America issues, not compared to stuff like Countdown or what have you. It still blows those out of the water in terms of quality.
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