Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer - Gotham by Gaslight #1 Review

Written by Brian Augustyn
Art by Greg Tocchini

This was another decent addition to the Search for Ray Palmer series of one-shots. I'm not sure if it's because the Red Rain Elseworlds were some of my favourite Elseworlds or if this issue was actually worse, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the Red Rain outing. It was still a fun trip to the Gotham by Gaslight world and I have to admit, this world's Blue Beetle showing up as the person marked by Palmer was a nice addition.

However, aside from a quick romp through this world, not much else happens. There's a small subplot of what appeared to be Man-Bat, especially after they introduced Langstrom, but the twist at the end where they have it end up being manifestations of Kyle's ring, an after effect of their encounters with the vampires of the Red Rain Earth, was an unnecessary addition to what could have been a straight forward and entertaining introduction to the Gotham by Gaslight Earth.

However, I must say, the issue did get me to pull out my old copy of Gotham by Gaslight and has me hoping for a mini-series or one-shot dedicated to this Earth without all the Challenger nonsense.

Verdict - Check It. Started as a fun reintroduction to the Gotham by Gaslight Earth, but an unnecessarily complicated plot twist at the end kind of ruined it. Still worth checking out if you enjoyed that old Elseworlds story or just curious as to what this Earth was all about.

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