Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Justice League of America #14 Review

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes & Sandra Hope

McDuffie's JLA is a curious thing. On one hand, my comic nerd rage wants to bash it for its overly simplistic Silver Age plots and characterizations - things like Superman and Black Lightning charging into the villains' base by themselves so haphazardly and without any apparent plan. On the other hand, I'm just plain having fun with this book for those exact same reasons.

This makes it hard for me to review this book as well. Do I fault it or praise it? Do I love it or hate it? In the end, if you can just ignore these Silver Age motivations and characterizations, you'll be presented with a fun and highly entertaining book that just about anyone could enjoy. While it relies on its Silver Age roots, it also manages to infuse just enough modern storytelling techniques to make this stand on its own.

As for the contents of this issue, Lex Luthor manages to successfully taunt Superman and Black Lightning, showcasing their fellow Leaguers being tortured, and, thus, leads the duo to the villains base where they are taken down after a short fight by the combined might of the villains. All very Silver Agey and in any other book I'd probably crucify it for such a simplistic plot, but, again, McDuffie makes it work.

One thing I'm curious to see the fallout of, or lack thereof, is from the beating Geoforce receives this issue. After the huge backlash on message boards around the net over Tigra's treatment last week in New Avengers, it should be interesting to see if Geoforces victimization even registers on their radars this week. I bet if it had been Wonder Woman or any other female character the entire community would be up in arms about another woman being treated this way. Poor Geoforce. Nobody loves you, apparently.

Verdict - Must Read. Definitely check this book out. A highly entertaining throw back to the Silver Age with just enough of a modern day twist to keep you interested.

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