Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Sean Phillips
The first issue can be summed up in about two or three lines. The Zombies are coming back to Earth with a few new cosmic heroes in tow. The human survivors on Earth have managed to rebuild a small society in the ruins of New York and the mutants have decided to overthrow Black Panther as the leader of the group and try to assassinate him while he sleeps. Wasp, a zombie head in a robot body now, bites Panther before he dies and turns him into a zombie to keep him from dying. The end.
If you were picking this book up expecting some hero eating hero action or the zombies to do something, anything even, you will be sadly disappointed. For the first of five issues, Kirkman spends way too much time doing nothing. For instance, several pages are dedicated to some random kid picking up a decapitated Hawkeye head and bringing it back to Black Panther.
The majority of the issue was spent with pin-ups of the zombies flying through space. Why Wolverine needs to be striking poses with his claws popped out in big splash pages as they fly through space is a mystery to me, but I guess Phillips can sell the original pages for more money this way. I understand this book isn't supposed to be serious, but at least give us something to work with. If I wanted a pin-up book, I'd just buy the Marvel Zombies: The Covers HC and be done with it.
Verdict - Avoid It. Check it out if you absolutely must have everything zombie related. Otherwise feel free to skip it - while still a fun read, Marvel has clearly run this concept into the ground.
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