Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Captain America #31 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting

Riding on the news of the new Captain America coming this January, Brubaker and Epting open the next act in their Captain America opus and they're still firing on all cylinders. Aside from the cop out on the cliffhanger from last issue, everything was perfect again this week.

Regarding that cop out, apparently it was just a SHIELD stun gun Sharon Carter used and both Black Widow and Falcon were left alive and relatively unharmed, as revealed this issue. It felt a little cheap and uncharacteristic of everything Brubaker has done in his tenure on Captain America.

Ignoring that though, I have very little else to complain about. Even that little faux pas was a minor gripe. Brubaker does such a great job every issue I'm left sort of grasping at straws looking for any possible flaws with this book.

My favourite part of this issue has to be the scenes with Dr Faustus and Bucky. The altered flashbacks he is trying to use to bring Bucky under his control are some of the best scenes and the Cap yelling "Heil Hitler!" was both hilarious, taken on its own with no back story applied to it, and chilling, in the context of the scene Faustus was trying to use to break Bucky. All of these flashbacks are excellent in this regard and my guess for the ending of this issue is that it is another Faustus controlled mental trap and next issue we will see Bucky trying to shoot Faustus instead of Sharon. Once he does that, Faustus will spring the trap showing he was in control all along. If Brubaker doesn't do this, the entire scene won't make much sense. Obviously, no one would trust Bucky enough after those few sessions with Faustus to give him a gun and release him from his bonds.

Verdict - Must Read. This was easily the best issue this week for me and this makes three months straight I have given this book my Comic Book of the Week award.

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