Wednesday, November 28, 2007

52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen #4 Review

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Pat Olliffe and John Stanisci

Ugh, I'm not really sure I want to continue reading this series anymore. Four issues in and still nothing noteworthy has happened. Giffen even introduces more random characters to the plot to take up pages in the form of the Doom Patrol. Watching them and Wonder Woman beating up the undead for several pages is less than riveting.

I'm not sure why this story is being dragged on so long. Black Adam 'killed' these guys in the span of an issue or two, if you count one getting away. Sure, they've been upgraded or whatever, but not to the point that it should take six issues of non-action to stop them. Based on these first four issues, my guess is that this 'story' will only take place in issue six. All I know is that I've feel like I've wasted money on every single issue of this mini-series so far.

Verdict - Avoid It.

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