Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Avengers #34 Review

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Leinil Yu

I think I spoil myself too much when it comes to New Avengers. I read all the major interviews with Bendis and I get all pumped with regards to the Skrull stuff when the interviews actually deal more with them than the actual issues he talks about. I am not saying this was a bad issue, it was actually one of the best books this week and the best NA in months. I just feel let down a bit because I expect so much more after reading all the interviews and what not.

This issue wraps up the Hood fight with Wolverine pretty early on. Some great action and both fighters really cut loose. Hood blows off Wolverine's little Wolvy prompting one of the funnier lines I have read when Logan is recovering afterwards and says, "I hope it grows back bigger". Hood really held his own against Wolverine and I am very happy they did not job him out to the overly popular Wolverine. Bendis expands on the demonic origins of the Hood's costume and it seems to be a logical progression for the character. If you read the Hood miniseries, you should remember during his attack on the policemen dressed as AIM agents his eyes glowed red and demonic and shot lightning out at them. This issue has him turn outright into a demon similar to the one he stole the hood and boots from in his miniseries. Cannot wait for more information and backstory on what Hood has been up to since then. Seems long term exposure to his powers probably lead to the demonic changes.

After the Hood fight, Bendis has some random interludes with several of the New Avengers, including a funny scene with Echo walking in on Hawkeye in the shower and another with Dr Strange and his girlfriend, the Night Nurse. I liked the reference to Iron Fist's experiences in his own series and the other Iron Fist users. Well done, but I am still upset they have not converted his costume to the superior Immortal Iron Fist version with the bandana mask.

After this, it is revealed Dr Strange devised a method to discover who is or is not a Skrull. At first I thought it was pretty much going to be identical to his last 'trust' spell, but apparently this one outright reveals what the person sees themselves as, for good or for worse. This alludes to everything seen on the cover and pretty much everything is the same as pictured there. I enjoyed the jokes concerning Jessica's seeing herself as her costumed persona, Jewel, and I wonder if it alludes to her possibly stepping back into the role in the future. Another thing with Jessica I liked was the airing of the laundry between her and Luke concerning his paranoid distrust of everyone, including Jessica and the baby. Glad to see that wrapped up as I was disliking the vibe from their fight. I also thought Spider-Man would have probably pictured himself as his Uncle Ben, seeing how he glorifies him in his memory and I figured that is who his inner self would want to be.

Finally, with trust issues taken care of, Wolverine reveals Hood is launching Deathlok to attack Avengers Tower and they decide to go warn them before it is too late. Upon arriving, they see the Mighty Avengers exiting the tower and realize that the downtown area is overrun by symbiotes, from Venom and Spider-Man fame. The issue ends with the team jumping into help and Echo being covered by one of the symbiotes.

This was a great issue and covered a lot of ground. I was a bit disappointed with no Spider-Woman discussion or progress on what she did with the Skrull Elektra body, but from previews, I know that gets picked up in Mighty Avengers in a few months. Still annoys me that she took off with it two months ago and still nothing has happened regarding it. The dialogue is really great in this issue and Bendis proves he is still one of the best with that. Enough action in this issue to satisfy me and just enough plot progression to keep me hooked.

Verdict - Must Read

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