Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Avengers #36 Review

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Francis Yu

I'm not sure what to make of this issue. Last issue I expected a big Venom symbiote battle royale crossover with the Mighty Avengers and I got a neat, villains point of view tale showing what The Hood has been up to. That issue ended with the symbiote outbreak on the television screen and left me thinking we'd finally get to see that storyline play out. I thought wrong.

Apparently, Bendis has no intentions of doing the symbiote story in the pages of New Avengers. All we got was a story filled with random flashback dialogue between Luke and Jessica. To say I came away a little disappointed is a bit of an understatement. I guess I can expect to see that story in a few months when Cho finally finishes Mighty Avengers #6 and they pump out Bagley's issues? Bendis writes both books and he knew this story wouldn't be play out for a while due to Cho. He should never have included the New Avengers in it if he had no intention of giving us the full story anytime soon.

As for the rest of the issue, Wolverine's "interrogation" of Spider-Woman was a little underwhelming. It's pretty much everything you'd expect with no major surprises. Wolverine asks what she did with the body. She tells him she gave it to Tony. They banter back and forth about Skrulls and Wolverine leaves. Decent scene, but I think they made too big a deal about it in previews and with the cover.

The remainder of the issue deals with the New Avengers tracking down The Hood and his stolen money from last issue. The team sees they are completely underpowered in comparison to the caliber of super-villains The Hood has assembled and it's pretty obvious that Dr Strange has conjured up a spell at the end of the issue to make it appear like just about every hero in the Marvel Universe is present for this attack.

Verdict - Check It. It's a fairly average outing this month. No major developments and it feels like Bendis is holding back all the major plots as he waits for Mighty Avengers to get back on track.

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