Friday, July 8, 2011

Moment of the Day - Connor Hawke's Punch Out

JLA #9, by Grant Morrison and Oscar Jiminez

It's nice to know that villains themselves sometimes know when they've been beaten by the ridiculous, it makes for a better world.

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Anonymous said...

That was a great moment for the JLA new member Green Arrow at the time.
Grant Morrison simply the best Justice League Writer of all times. His stories were fun, smart and creative and contained great amounts of action. No one before or after him has ever reach the high level of greatness he gave the league.

Enrique Gonzalez

pendrake said...

I remember that story-arc.

A line from Connor that always stuck with me was his internal narrative when Connor lost his own (regular piercing) arrows and had to scavenge (then dead) Oliver's quiver of trick arrows.

Then, desperately trying to sort out daddy Oliver's trick arrows while fighting one of The Key's robot-minons.

"Only a genius could use these arrows..."

"...only a madman could use these arrows..."

"I had better decide which one I am...quick!"

Anonymous said... has more of this issue in it.....

Love it.

Ivan said...

A true modern classic. Very well picked, Ken.

Sam said...

The Boxing Glove Arrow...beaten by a classic.

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