Planet of the Apes is written by Daryl Gregory and drawn by Carlos Magno. Both do a great job of filling this world of apes and intrigue with wonder and true danger. The different hairy characters pop off the page and the different factions present themselves as having depth and definitely building against each other to a massive confrontation.
But enough about how good the book is, you came here to learn about a bargain and a bargain you shall hear!
The Bargain!
Planet of the Apes Vol 1 TPB $9.99
That’s right, just $10. The first arc collected completely for only $10, that’s a bargain. I know a lot of people trade wait a title like this, they want to see the reactions and reviews of others first, and I can definitively tell you this is a good book and the first trade for only $10 is a perfect place to jump into the waters.
But wait, there’s more.
On the same day the first trade ships, you’ll also find another convenient and cheap surprise for you on the shelves and it is:
Planet of the Apes #5 $1
Hell yeah, get caught up on the trade and then convert that good will into the single issues by dipping right into the next instalment for only $1. It’s hard to pass up a $1 comic but even more so when it provides a perfect access point to get all caught up on 5 issues for $11.
The comic market needs more titles that offer a great jumping point from trades to singles. I did it with The Walking Dead after 13 trades and am still glad I did it.
This is a great little initiative from BOOM! and I can only hope plenty of people take them up on it. If you were sceptical about the title, or trade waiting, then everything is coming up Milhouse for you. August 5th is the day where you can find out what all the fuss on this title is about. Hell, you know we all want to say it, go out and get your hands on these damn dirty apes. If you've picked up the title so far what have you thought, and if you haven't then will you buy into this great deal for $11?
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