Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Reader Question - Will you be buying Girl Comics?
This Wednesday marks the release of Girl Comics #1. There was quite a lot of talk about this book when Marvel first announced it, and many discussions about whether the book was good for the industry or not and other aspects of this endeavor. In case you are out of the loop, Girl Comics is an anthology three-issue limited series NOT strictly about female characters (although there is going to be certain tales about the ladies of the Marvel). The book itself is completely created, from start to finish, the writing, the art and the editing, completely done by female creators. The name can be kind of confusing, and I'll admit that while at first I thought the name was kind of stupid, it sure has grown on me.
So will you be buying Girl Comics this Wednesday? Hit the jump to see my initial thoughts on this title.
There's certainly enough talent attached to this title to fill an anthology, with writers like Devin Grayson, Ann Nocenti, and G. Willow Wilson, and artists like Emma Rios and Colleen Coover. Although I am not completely sure who is contributing with who, because there were a whole lot of names thrown around when it was announced, but the preview information seems rather short. For example, I could have sworn that Kathryn Immonen was contributing to this first issue, yet I don't see her name in the preview information, and the preview pages show artwork from Emma Rios, but her nameisn't on the list either.
The Cover
Seriously, and I know we said it when the news broke, but how awesome is that Amanda Conner cover? I also really like the logo that they went for, as it stands out and is not the typical "name stretched out across the top of the page" logo that most other books have. It gives it an unique and distinct look that this book needs, and it almost looks like a stamp of approval from the editorial team.
The Mixed Bag
As it is with all anthologies, the content is bound to be a mixed bag of quality. Just from the previews, there's a story I see that has me scratching my head as to whether the creators have read any previous Marvel book starring that particular character, and another one with a moment so funny that it had me laughing out loud. In the end, that's part of the appeal of anthologies, even if I have made my thoughts on the anthology dilemma before, I think the ladies behind this anthology will bring a fresh take on some of the characters
The Price
Sharing the same format as the recent Strange Tales anthology that Marvel did last year, this book is going to be $4.99 for 48 pages. It is a steep price and I can see many people being put off from this book because of it. I certainly understand the need for a higher price, as there are quite a lot of creators involved with this title, but I can't help to think that the price is going to offset any willingness to spotlight the creators involved in this anthology.
Those are my thoughts on this book as it is about to hit the stands, and expect a full review of it later this week, but what about you, dear readers? Are you planning to buy Girl Comics #1? Let us know in the comment sections.
Posted by
Matt Duarte
9:08 AM
Thought Bubbles: Girl Comics, Reader Questions, Women's Month
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Pretty sure I pre-ordered this. I'm curious about the line-up of creators. Some of them I'm familiar with, some not. Should be good, I think.
I really like that cover and logo; the name Girl Comics may sound bad and have negative implications, but the logo is so simple that it seems as it just tries to present another comic, simple and effective.
I will probably get the first issue and if I like it, then I'll get the following ones.
I'll get the first issue simply for the Amanda Conner cover, if its good I'll probably get the rest.
I have no plans to pick this up. 4.99 for 48 pages makes sense, but the inevitable mixed bag means that not all of those 48 pages will be worth reading.
Trade wait.
I already have the PunisherMax $5 purchase this week because the title is on my pull list. that's one too many $5 title already so Nope.
Im picking it up obviously. Just too many good creators attached not to pick it up.
I dislike anthologies when it's one or two good stories/creative teams littered with a lot of of, well, let's be nice and say filler teams.
This, however, is an incredible line-up of creators. Unless something crazy happens, I can't see how anyone could be disappointed with the variety and quality of this offering.
@brandon - I opted out of that PunisherMAX one-shot since it's not by Aaron and I'm not sure how it will even relate to the current series. I"m also unfamiliar with D'Orazio's work and wasn't going to drop $5 on a random one-shot for it. Let me know how it turns out though. I'm curious if it'll be worth it.
I'm waiting for the inevitable hardcover. mostly because I'm opting out of singles again for the most part, but also just because.... well, it'll probably get a nice pretty oversized one
Seems like many are opting out because of the price. A curious thought I just had was, what if they changed the format? Do a longer miniseries with 2.99 price, with one full length story or two shorter ones. Rotate the creatives every month. It could be a more viable, longer term way to showcase Marvel's female talent with the "girl" initiative. The cheaper price would hopefully entice more readers to pick it up in singles.
Whatcha think? Just pure speculation, of course.
Unless it sees a Brazilian release, probably not.
I'm not a fan of anthologies in general. It usually happens that I end up liking about 25% of the story. That said, I'll wait for the reviews, because this in indeed a powerhouse of a creative team. And that cover IS pretty...
I'm sad to say that the way Marvel has promoted and solicited this project pretty well turned off any interest I might have had in it. I might give it a look when I'm picking up my regular books, but unless I see something big to get me over my initial opinions, I won't be bothering with it at all.
I would have liked to pass on the PunisherMax issue for all the reasons you listed but I dont want to give my shop any grief about it since its on my pull list.
I'll let you know the deal after I read it though.
I just love that cover, I want to steal that idea for any number of comics I want to publish. But, y'know, obviously change the words and stuff...
I'll wait for the trade.
Yeah, I'm picking it up, but like Strange Tales, I'm probably going love and hate parts of this equally, without a lot of in between.
Will I pick it up?
this book is going to be $4.99 for 48 pages
Then, no, I won't.
Maybe a discounted collection later from DCBS or a used book seller. There won't be anything in these issues that I need to read promptly.
I won't pick it up due to price, but the cover by Amanda Connor is awesome.
Thanks so much for the kind words, buds.
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