Friday, February 5, 2010
I Am An Avenger, Too!
Marvel has been letting the roster for its upcoming Avengers title trickle out in the form of teaser images under the banner of I Am An Avenger. Each features a character from the team with an inspirational or character defining quote from the character du jour. We thought we'd have a little fun with the format and made up some of our own I Am An Avenger ads. You can view our I Am An Avenger ads after the jump.
Note: We've posted a follow-up to this post spotlighting some reader submissions and more of our own fake ads. You can see those by clicking here.
Beta Ray Bill
Dr Strange
Jack Sparrow
Optimus Prime
Baron Zemo
Aaron Stack
Captain ☠☠☠☠
Devil Dinosaur
Dirk Anger
If you're interested in making your own I Am An Avenger ads, I've uploaded a template for you. Simply find an image of the character you like, cut him out of the image and paste him in. The font I used is Gill Sans MT with bold and italics, but an Arial font looks close enough to what Marvel originally had if you do not have that font available. Upload your images to Imageshack and then post links to your Avengers here for others to see.
Posted by
Kirk Warren
10:56 AM
Thought Bubbles: Avengers, Opinion/Editorial
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..... DAmn, now I really want Heinrich Zemo to be an avenger. bah to you I say, bah!
... mainly because I forgot about him after Born Better. where the heck's Zemo gone?!
Larfleeze still cracks me up. That and Devil Dinosaur are totally my favorites.
Any Avengers team that includes both Aaron Stack and Optimus Prime is a win in my book.
Classic post
I'm surprised no zombie made the cut. ;)
Great post, loved the Aaron Stack, Zemo, Larfleeze and Optimus Prime; the only one I didn't like was the Jack Sparrow one mainly because a drawing would have fit better.
Maybe I'll try to find some John Romita Jr drawings of my favorite non-avengers characters to make my own ad.
Ozymandias' is the best one.
@Radlum - Ya, wasnt sure on the Jack Sparrow one either, but wanted that quote. That was the best I could do image wise. Figured I leave it in there for fun, but it does stick out like a sore thumb.
Where's the Deadpool quote from? I could swear it take on something that Aku said in Samurai Jack.
Heh, those are some good ones. I've definitely got to make some of my own.
I'm pretty bored at work, so why not... first thing that came to mind.
And another one, which nicely showcases my lack of photoshop skills.
I used the Optimus Prime one to seriously get my friend's hopes up. Thanks for that laugh.
lol, this is pretty awesome, I really like the Ozymandias one.
My vote for favorite goes to Aaron Stack.
The Dr. Strange one only serves to anger me ANEW over that ridiculously stupid line. It just doesn't make sense! Thanks for opening old wounds, Weekly Crisis.
Devil Dinosaur and Beta Ray Bill would totally be the reasons I would start reading The Avengers again
Where did the pic of Zemo come from?
Very funny stuff. Were you first to think of this?
I look forward to more reader contributions. This is absolutely the reason why God invented the Internet.
(I know. "Not God.... Gore."
The universes bleed....
@Anon (the second to last one): I don't know if Kirk was the first one, but he certainly is the one that has put the most effort into it so far.
Seriously, I did a bunch of these, but Kirk swooped in with his Magic Photoshop Powers and created these awesome ones instead based on some of my ideas (I picked the Nextwave quotes, for example). The only one that I did that stayed the same as I originally intended is the Xorn one (you can tell by the different font, hehe)
Let's bring back a classic Avenger.
I can hear Ozymandius saying his line in that pompous smug voice of his. Gold.
These are really cool and made me wish I have any photoshop-fu at all.
I'd also love for one of these to turn out to be true, now that would be a scoop. Beta Ray Bill on a team would be phenomenal!
I would read a comic with these charaters in it , especially with all the nextwave stuff
@Anonymous - "Very funny stuff. Were you first to think of this?"
No, I don't think I was the first. I saw some people edit the text of a few of the released ones (Texiken, who's commented here before and posts on the PA forums did a great Hawkeye Mini-Marvel's one), but haven't seen a full scale bunch of mock-ups like this.
I wanted to do more and might as people seem to have enjoyed this, but you would not believe how difficult it is to find full body shots that are detailed and actually drew the feet of the characters so I could keep the same theme and style as the released ads.
@Anonymous (with Batman Avenger image) - Ha, nice. I was going to make a batman one that said something like, "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEEAAAADDDD", but couldn't find an image I liked (most are extremely dark and hard to cut out with my horrible photoshop skills due to how much black or shadow obscures parts of his costume).
@Eric - The Deadpool quote is from a Deadpool comic. I couldn't tell you which one, but get the feeling it's recent. I did a search for DP quotes looking for it and it came up but no source. Was also considering one of his joining the X-Men quotes from recent Deadpool issues but modified for Avengers.
Too fun not to pass up! Here's mine...
Here's my effort:
I can only apologise for the very poor quality of my submission, as I have never tried anything like this before (and I was using paint).
Thought of another (again, shoddy quality! but hey, at least I tried)...
We need Springer from Transformers the Movie saying "I've got better things to do tonight than die."
I had to throw my own version into the hat:
Huzzah! Now I have some of my own!
Atomic Robo (And yes, I realize someone did him already.)
Rocket Raccoon!
He is Groot (I did a little something extra to this one too that felt oh so appropriate)
for the record he's from a Worth1000 poster I saved.
Here's one of mine -
guess it still stings...
And another...
and a last one... for now!
X-23 is an Avenger!
Mobile Organism Designed Only for Avenging!
the Atomic Robo ones are winners, and the Ozymandias and Dr. Strange are my favourites. I think this could be a really good idea for a contest, Kirk - the best "I Am An Avenger" spoofs win a nifty little prize perhaps? ;)
I love the Avengers!... And this is way more fun than the "I'm on ______'s side" meme from a couple years back... I spent way more time on these than necessary. WARNING: Some have bad potty language and potential spoilers!
I couldn't resist -
@Rich - Eric actually asked me to do that one, but I couldnt finda decent Fin Fang Foom image to go with it. I'msure he'll be happy to see this one.
I am rather surprised by the lack of Monica "I Used to LEAD the Avengers" Rambeau at this point.
This is fun. I haven't looked through everyones' yet so hopefully this one hasn't been done.
Here's another quickie-->
Yes, Fing Fang Foom is awesome indeed.
here's mine ;)
who drew the cover art on Baron ZemO?
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head, but that looks like either Marko Djurjevic or Adi Granov by the style. I think it's from that mini series a while back, Born Better.
Matt I pretty sure it was Marko because if I remember correctly, it was solicited in a month where he did alternate covers to Thor, Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers as well...
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