Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cover of the Week - Red Robin & Ghost Riders: Heavens of Fire

Hello, and welcome to another edition of Cover of The Week, where we take a look at this week's best covers to grace the comic book stands. This week, Ryan and me are also joined by... Ryan.

I am of course talking about Ryan K. Lindsay one of our two recently added contributors, which we announced earlier this week. To keep confusion to a minimum, we'll be using their last names to differentiate them (just like in school). So, for the sake of clarity: Ryan (S) = Iowan Ryan, power ranking Ryan, while Ryan (L) = Australian Ryan, essay-appeared-in-Criminal Ryan. Do take notes, because there will be an exam later on! In the mean time, hit the jump to see our picks.

Ryan (S)'s Cover of the Week - Red Robin #9

Ryan (S): It takes a big cover to beat out my love for Chrissie Zullo's Cinderella covers and Marcus To pulled it off with this week's Red Robin. Not only is this a great take on the character in an instantly iconic layout, it is also one of the most detailed covers I've seen in years!

Ryan (L) & Matt's Cover of the Week - Ghost Riders: Heavens on Fire #6

Matt: I think the best part of this cover is the angle. It evokes the feeling that you are going up alongside with the Ghost Riders. Also, I do not believe I have seen any work from cover artist Christian Nauck before, but his art is reminiscent of Marko Djurdjevic, and in my book that is a good thing.

Ryan (L):  I'm a sucker for a good set of painted flames. This looks like the old school Djurdjevic goodness on flamehead and I love Zadkiel as the focus. It's got retributive justice and wrath written all over the cover.

Runners-Up: The Question #37, Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love #4, The Waking #1

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Aaron K said...

No love for Patrick Zircher's variant of Invincible Iron Man #23? Too posed? I could certainly understand that, but still thought it was awesome.

Ryan K Lindsay said...

I do love Zircher's work overall, and it was a pretty cool cover, but the Ghost Rider just really grabbed me. I want to try and pick covers that I would almost buy the issue just for that art alone.

Djurdjevic is a great example of this. He's usually worth the price of admission alone. And I miss him so on Daredevil...

Christian said...

I'm a bit late here, but-
Sweet, thanks guys! :) Glad you liked the cover!

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