Sunday, February 7, 2010

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 02/03/10

Light week in comics, but still quite a selection of moments for your viewing pleasure.  Jason Aaron was a major factor this week with Ghost Riders and Weapon X both offering some great moments.  We've got some spoilers for Siege #2 as well if you were living in a hole and didn't hear about the "Avenger that dies" from the solicits yet.  Hit the jump for these and more!


That's a lotta $%^^ Ghost Riders.


I love how Tony's smirking even while comatose.  He knows what he did and loves it.

NOVA #34

Over in Nova, they're doing a cosmic battle royale with cheese, pulling people from across time and space and then putting them in different arenas, also from throughout time and space.  Black Bolt was brought in from the past and his arena was in the ruins of Attilan (Inhuman city) where he came across the above epitath on his own memroial.  Shadow War?  Looks like we have our next cosmic event. 


That red smear is/was Ares.


  I love the look on Volstagg's face when he says he is bored.

We need a copy of this fashion magazine with Volstagg's answers scribbled in for the self-help questions.


Brainiac must have had trouble finding New Krypton.  He and Luthor broke out of jail like eight months ago when New Krypton was only just beginning.  


This is my moment of the week.  I haven't laughed this much in a long time.


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Maxy Barnard said...


at the end of world's finest issue 4 General Lane tells Toyman he needs some top secret work done. Bets are that's a fake Brainiac thing created by him rather than Lex and the real Brainiac

Matt Duarte said...

Shadow War? Is that the same name that Dan Slott has been hinting at as an event for some time now?
Or was that something like Reckoning War?

Zdenko said...

REckoning War's Slott's event he's been hinting for ages now. :)

Daniel Woburn said...

could there be a link between the hinted-at street level "Shadowland" that was mentioned in Daredevil last week and "Shadow War"? Unlikely, because why would you link street and cosmic levels like that... but we might be thrown a curveball here.

Aaron K said...

Also in Nova #34, when Darkhawk was transported to the Raptors' tree in Nullspace, he called it the "Tree of Shadows". So, I figure the Shadow War would involve the Fraternity of Raptors vs. the Inhumans-Kree/Gladiator.

Kirk Warren said...

It's hard to say. Not enough details yet. It could be the Church of Universal Truth/Magus. Its obviously Kree related since Medusa "died". Could include Gladiator and Shi'Ar. Could also be something with the Fault and that evil alternate Earth and Quasar. All together or seperate or a complete red herring, too.

Klep said...

The one thing we know for sure about the Shadow War is that DnA already have claim on $3.99*x of our dollars, where x is the number of issues in the event.

Brandon Whaley said...

I'm trade waiting all the cosmic stuff right now. Shadow War sounds cool, Realm of Kings sounds cool, but so far everything I've read (Annihilation, Annihilation: Conquest, and War of Kings) reads better collected. Plus that War of Kings hardcover is pretty :)

Nathan Aaron said...

Who did the artwork on Wolverine: Weapon X? Is this the regular artist for the title? I'm loving it! (But man, the very idea of buying a Wolverine title? I'm not sure I could actually do that! LOL)

brandon said...


The art is by C P Smith. I cant recall what else he's been on except Resistance which was either Wildstorm or Vertigo about 'Nam.

Steve said...

@brandon, @Nathan - CP Smith also illustrated Wolverine: Noir by Stuart Moore and The Programme by Peter Milligan (which was also under the Wildstorm imprint, I believe).

More importantly, he illustrated Wolverine #41, one of my favorite single issues of all time. This one was another collaboration with Stuart Moore, and saw Wolverine trekking across a war-ravaged African nation with an infant strapped to his chest. The story was pretty strong, but Smith's artwork sold it to death (and was a lot stronger than his work in the latest issue of Weapon X, in my opinion). It's not a hard issue to track down, and well worth it.

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