Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 11/11/09
On the comic side of things, this should be known as Batman Week since it features just about every Bat-book being released at the same time, ranging from Batman and Robin to Batgirl to Red Robin and even some random one-shots. We've also god Deadpool guest spotting in Amazing Spider-Man with Joe Kelly on writing chores, Punisher MAX #1 dropping and even Realm of Kings starting up. The week is packed with lots of goodies, so hit the jump to find out what Ryan and I are expecting from each of these books.
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Eric Canete
Deadpool-Man, Deadpool-Man – does whatever a Deadpool can...spins a web any size – but not really...Deadpool’s don’t have webs. Look out! Here comes the Deadpool-Man! What force on Earth has brought the Merc with a Mouth and the Webheaded Wonder closer together than Quesada and Twitter? And how does it tie to the upcoming Spider story The Gauntlet?! And finally – WHO IS LADY STILT-MAN?! Joe Kelly (DEADPOOL CLASSIC; This issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Eric Canete (IRON MAN: ENTER THE MANDARIN) bring you 2079’s top Marvel Comic of the last 70 years (sorry, Dazzler #500)!
Ryan: This looks like this is going to be one of those “expect the unexpected”-type issues. No matter what, though, that is one awesome cover by Skottie Young!
Kirk: After that disasterous end to the last arc, I'm looking forward to Spider-Man and Deadpool as written by Joe Kelly.
Written by Bryan Q. Miller
Art by Lee Garbett
It’s Batgirl’s first night on the job, and as she’ll soon learn, it takes a lot more to wear the mantle of the Bat than she originally thought – especially when she has to juggle patrol, the police and a frat party!
Ryan: Stephanie Brown “officially” took over the mantle in the last issue, so it will be interesting to see her first night out here as the new Batgirl. This week’s “slice of life” issue should be a good indicator of how the future of the series is going to look now that the status quo has been established. The book has been a ton of fun thus far, so I’m hoping Bryan Miller and Lee Garbett can keep that momentum going here.
Written by Tony Daniel
Art by Tony Daniel
Pandemonium breaks out at the inaugural ceremony of the new Arkham Asylum. Will the combined forces of Oracle, Huntress and Catwoman be enough help for Batman? Plus, the debuts of both the Gotham Shield Committee and Black Mask’s Ministry of Death!
Ryan: I was pleasantly surprised by Tony Daniel’s debut issue as both the writer and artist on Batman two weeks ago. His take on the relationship between Dick Grayson and Catwoman was pretty great, as was the fact that his story built up from Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Long Halloween. This issue looks like it could follow suit. I have to ask, though, if Arkham Asylum is constantly being blown up, taken over, and/or facing massive breakouts, why bother rebuilding it? Its like they are asking for something bad to happen!
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Philip Tan
In the startling conclusion to “The Revenge of the Red Hood,” Gotham’s new “protector” reveals his identity to Batman – and surprisingly poses a heart-stopping question to Dick Grayson about the future of Bruce Wayne! Plus, Robin at the mercy of Scarlet!
Ryan: I’ve completely given up on trying to anticipate how I’m going to feel about Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin. One minute, he is writing super-fun stories that feature great action and cool quirks, but the next minute, he is back to jamming his ‘creations’ down readers’ throats with the same self-importance and weird-for-the-sake-of-notoriety approach that made Batman: R.I.P. so unflinchingly unreadable. It’s like to be one or the other this week, as Morrison rarely shoots for anywhere in between.
Kirk: Batman and Robin's second arc has lost a bit of the magic the first one entailed, either due to Morrison's story choices or the lack of Frank Quitely on art, but it's still a damn good book and one I'm looking forward to.
Written by Bryan Azarello
Art by Phil Noto
Doc Savage returns to DC Comics...and comes face-to-fist with the Batman! Superstar scribe Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS, JOKER) and the breathtaking art of Phil Noto combine to shine the first light on a shadowy new version of the DC Universe, where the thugs run rampant, corruption runs deep, and even heroes can’t be trusted! Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze, hates what he’s heard about the connections between a grisly murder and Gotham City’s violent new vigilante. But the Batman can’t abide do-gooders getting in his way...and his .45 just won’t stay in its holster!
Be here for this vital prologue to an upcoming 6-issue miniseries by Azzarello and Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), which will pull back the curtain to reveal the full width and breadth of DC’s new pulp-influenced universe. This special issue also features sketchbook material by Rags Morales that will show you just what you’re in for! You might think you’re ready – but you’re very, very wrong...
Ryan: This is THE book for me this week. I’m a huge fan of gritty, pulpy crime comics, plus Brian Azarello is one of my favorite writers (despite some personal problems I have with him—long story), so this one should be right up my alley. There is a lot of hype surrounding this one, but if there is any creative team that can live up to that, its this one. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the book to beat this week.
Written by Dan Jurgens and Matt Sturges
Art by Dan Jurgens and Mike Norton
What’s blue and gold and bloody all over? This BLACKEST NIGHT tie-in issue! Booster Gold’s worst fears are realized when Ted Kord comes back as a Black Lantern intent on killing his former best friend. Good thing there’s another Blue Beetle around to help...but will Jaime Reyes be too late to save Booster’s life?
Ryan: This series has been picking up a lot of steam over the last few months and if there is anything that can push it over the threshold into Must Read territory, its going to be a team-up between the book’s heroes, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, to take on the Black Lantern Blue Beetle Ted Kord.
Written by Andy Diggle
Art by Roberto De La Torre
Matt Murdock's spiral of self-destruction spins out of control and threatens to consume everybody! After painting a target on his own back in DAREDEVIL #500, Matt's got dozens of new enemies...including some old foes and familiar faces! The scorching new arc by the creative team of Andy Diggle (THUNDERBOLTS) and Roberto De La Torre (IRON MAN) intensifies...now's the time to jump on!
Kirk: Diggle's first official issue on Daredevil last month (technically, he started with The List one-shot) was excellent and continued the momentum of Brubaker's final issue, which put Matt Murdock in control of the Hand. It'll be a tough job for Diggle to keep this a compelling read with the status quo without having Daredevil cross any lines in the sand. Can't wait to see where he goes next with it.
Written by Chris Yost
Art by Pasqual Ferry
The end is coming... Ender has beaten everything the teachers of Battle School have thrown at him, but victory comes with a price. Because while many see Ender as humanity's only hope against the coming alien invasion...others see him as a threat. And Bonzo Madrid plans to eliminate that threat, permanently.
Ryan: This week’s installment of this brilliant adaptation takes on one of the darkest scenes in Orson Scott Card’s original novel—which also happens to be one of the most introspective moments in the story for the titular character. It will be interesting to see how Chris Yost and Pasqual Ferry reinvasion this powerful chapter for the comics medium.
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by SL Gallant
The first face-to-face confrontation between a JOE and a COBRA! It's SNAKE EYES vs. an unknown COBRA soldier in an epic fight to the death that neither of them may survive. Also: The JOES learn more of the true nature of the superweapon being built at Section Zero. And what has MAINFRAME learned that may lead to the end of the little town of Springfield?
Ryan: I’m having a really hard time with this solicitation. On one hand, I’m really, really excited that the Joes and Cobra will be going head-to-head for the first time in this issue, but on the other hand, SL Gallant’s art has been so rough that no matter how awesome the writing is, I know the art won’t follow suit.
Written by Andrew Kreisberg
Art by Renato Guedes and Mike Norton
Black Canary squares off against Cupid and her new partner (Green Arrow?!) in the lead story this month!
Meanwhile in this issue’s co-feature, Green Arrow teams up with Black Canary against Cupid and...Green Arrow?
Ryan: Two Green Arrows? Well, this could be fine. This is the story that Andrew Kreisberg has been dealing with since he debuted on this title, so I’m really looking forward to the payoff here! My only problem? Renato Guedes is handling half of the art chores. I’m already missing the days when Mike Norton pulled double duty as the artist on both the lead and the co-feature for this book!
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Pat Gleason
BLACKEST NIGHT intensifies! The Green Lanterns’ epic fight to preserve Oa and the Central Power Battery from being consumed by the Black Lanterns continues. While the Corps faces the most desperate moment in its entire history, a new threat materializes that will shake them to their very souls.
Ryan: This solicitation sounds suspiciously like the last several issues of this series. Following in line with that, I’ll expect exactly what I’ve gotten from the last several issues: big action, limited forward plot movement, and great art by Pat Gleason.
Kirk: I imagine the new threat that materializes has something to do with the end of Blackest Night #4 and Nekron's return. One thing that's been bothering me about the whole assault on Oa is that if the objective is to destroy the Central Power Battery, why even attack Green Lanterns? The Black Lanterns are invincible and could just keep charging at the battery until they reach it and destroy it. Why even bother talking to people and trying to kill them?
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Steve Dillon
An all-new ongoing series from the acclaimed team of Jason Aaron (WOLVERINE: WEAPON X) and Steve Dillon (PUNISHER: WELCOME BACK FRANK), two guys who were born to tell the exploits of Marvel's most brutal vigilante. Wilson Fisk is a bodyguard for mob boss Don Rigoletto, but he has his eyes on a much bigger prize, and he's gonna use Frank Castle to help him realize his dreams. The biggest story in MAX history begins here, as we witness the birth of the greatest villain the Punisher has ever faced.
Kirk: Been waiting on this one since it was announced. Now I'm not sure if I want to get it or trade wait it. Will pick up the first issue and decide after that.
Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Kev Walker
A REALM OF KINGS series! Gladiator is emperor of the Shi'Ar! His squadron, the Imperial Guard, is the ultimate law! But what is it like to live and work in this infamous legion as they attempt to keep their empire from disintegrating into the chaos of civil war. One hazardous mission may be the solution that everyone is praying for, but are the opinionated and fractured Guard tough enough – and united enough – to accomplish it? You saw them at the death of Phoenix…you’ve seen them battle the Inhumans…now it’s time for Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (WAR OF KINGS) and Kev Walker (MARVEL ZOMBIES 3 & 4) to take you inside this fearsome force!
Kirk: I'm a bit aprehensive about this miniseries. I want to see more of Gladiator and the fallout of War of Kings, but it doesn't sound like there's much to this. Almost like it's a 'day in the life of the Imperial Guard' than a followup to a major event. Abnett and Lanning are writing it, so I imagine it will be good, but I'm still unsure about how this will turn out.
Written by Chris Yost
Art by Marcus To
All across Europe, the hunt is on as Red Robin and the League of Assassins go after the Council of Spiders. But why is Tim Drake working with Ra's al Ghul? It's Red Robin versus the assassin-killer known as Recluse, while Tam Fox finds herself the prisoner of the White Ghost. Back in Gotham City, trouble by the name of Vicki Vale threatens everything Bruce Wayne built as Batman. Rising star Marcus To debuts as new regular artist as “Council of Spiders” continues!
Ryan: My biggest complaint with this series has been that Ramon Bachs simply wasn’t the right artist for the book. If the previews and his own history are any indicator, I think that Marcus To will be. With a more suiting artist on board and a lot of promise action on tap, this could be the issue that sees Red Robin finally live up to its immense potential!
Written by Barbara Canepa
Translated by CB Cebulski
Art by Alessandro Barbuci
Fans and true believers, rejoice! An awesome treasure chest is finally at your disposal, filled to the brim with drafts, sketches, roughs, illustrations and all the painstakingly collected research material which allowed Barbuci and Canepa to raise the Space Fantasy saga to an all new level. Creating their own blend of drama and fun, mixing sci-fi and cyber culture with religious concepts and elements of design from the ‘60s, they have created a universe to dive into and delight in! So, raiders shift your gears to plunder and set your sights on the sexiest bounty in the comic book universe! Pages and pages of exclusive and previously unreleased magic can be found in this collector’s issue! Including a 10 page exclusive never before seen file on the birth of Noa!
Ryan: Depending on how much of this is ancillary material and how substantial any new story elements are, I might not be reviewing this one this week. However, I can tell you that there are few comics on the stands that I’m more excited about than this one. The original Sky Doll story was one of my absolute favourite books of 2008, so an issue full of extras, concepts, sketches, and more is an absolute must-have for my collection. If you haven’t read the originals, this isn’t going to be the place to start, though I would highly, highly, highly recommend that you track down the original story!
Kirk: I'm with Ryan on this one. I want to buy this, but am unsure on how substantial the new content will be. It sounds like this should have been included in the Sky Doll trade or at least the premiere hardcover they did (I bought the premiere hardcover on top of the singles, that's how good this book is). Oh, and if you have no idea what Sky Doll is, don't let that cheesecake cover fool you, it's one of the best comics you'll ever read. I'm just unsure how good this particular sketch book-like offering will be for those that haven't read the main books.
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Steven Sanders
Spinning out of ASTONISHING X-MEN comes a series that will take you places you’ve never been! After Secret Invasion, Agent Brand is no longer the top dog at S.W.O.R.D. Forced to share her leadership post with former Avengers-liaison Henry Gyrich, Brand is less than pleased. Will the arrival of her boyfriend, X-Man Beast, help her out? Not when she discovers Gyrich’s plan for fixing S.W.O.R.D. is to rid Earth of ALL ALIENS! Brought to you by Kieron Gillen (DARK AVENGERS: ARES), Steven Sanders (Five Fists of Science) and topped off with covers by ASTONISHING X-MEN artist JOHN CASSADAY!
Kirk: Had no interest in this title when it was announced, but Kieron Gillen has impressed me so much with Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter and Dark Avengers: Ares that I pretty much have to buy this book now.
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Angel Unzueta
It’s not easy being a dad in the DCU – just ask Roy Harper, who never wants to leave his daughter Lian an orphan. Unfortunately, that choice may not be his to make…
Ryan: I’m already picking up way too many comics this week, but I’m really interested in this one. Roy Harper is one of the most interesting characters in the DCU and J.T. Krul did an awesome job with Blackest Night: Titans. I’m looking at cutting some comics from my pull list this week because the load is so huge, but its going to be very hard for me not to pick this one up!
Written by Craig Kyle & Chris Yost
Art by Clayton Crain
NECROSHA continues here!! The resurrected dead lay siege to the X-Men's headquarters, and the fight to survive the Black Queen's vengeance begins. But while Warpath and Wolverine realize what's happening, they may be too late to stop it. Because Selene is already well on her way to achieving ultimate power half a world away. And as the rest of the X-Men fight mutants back from the dead, Wolfsbane struggles to survive a very different threat. PLUS!! The long awaited return of the VANISHER. PART TWO (of FIVE)
Kirk: Wasn't blown away by the X-Necrosha one-shot/prologue issue, but am going to follow along in the X-Force ongoing, as well as the odd one-shot, for the duration of this event, which begins here.
Posted by
Kirk Warren
1:23 AM
Thought Bubbles: Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews
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Lots of stuff that could be pushed into the pull list based on reviews and what not.
Definitely making the list from DC, Batman, Batman & Robin, Green Lantern Corps, and REBELS. Stuff that could make it onto there include the Doc Savage/Batman special and Red Robin.
From Marvel it's the same type of story. Definitely getting Daredevil. Dark X-men is coming out this week, and despite all the momentum going into this, I don't like where Dark X-men has gone in regards to Bendis and co. The only that might make me buy this is Cornell. Might try out PunisherMAX too, but not too sure. I need to figure out this MAX imprint stuff. Help? Same opinion as Kirk in regards to Realm of Kings. Is the issue really leading up to something? Odds that it's going to be another splash page with no real depth? Strange is coming out this week, which I hadn't been aware was being written by Mark Waid. Thoughts on that? I might give in and get back on X-Force. I can't decide yet.
Might fill out the week with back-issues or trades that I should be (re-)reading.
I am really keen to see what Diggle and De La Torre do with DD, but who is doing those covers? I just don't dig the style, feels off.
SWORD is a lock for the week for me, I really want it to be good.
I'm considering the Batman/Doc Savage issue, but will have to look into whether it is just a one-off and what its price is before I'm certain...
@Ryan - The Batman/Doc Savage is a one-shot that will be introducing the new "universe" of street-level pulp heroes and villains. It serves as a prologue to the upcoming "First Wave" miniseries by Azarello and Rags Morales. The heroes include a gun-toting Batman (similar to his original appearance), Doc Savage, the Spirit, Blackhawk, Black Canary, and more. It's $4.99
@Ethereal - I was considering picking up REBELS for the Blackest Night tie-in. Not sure if I willor not just yet. Cornell on Dark X-Men is promising and I will look through it, but I don't see me pickign that title up. Just not interested in the premise of that one. On the Strange side of things, magic based books rarely appeal to me, so I'm not really looking forward to it, even with the creative team in place.
as a fan of everything Batman, you can imagine how excited i am about this week..
I've been back and forth on S.W.O.R.D.
First, I was really looking forward to it. I really like Beast, Brand and Lockheed.
Then, I saw Steven Sanders'preview pages, which portray Beast like a cross between a cat and a horse (closer to Beta Ray Bill than Beast, really). That turned me off to it, a little.
Finally, I read an interview, w/ Kieron Gillen, regarding S.W.O.R.D. (just yesterday, I believe) that sold me on the series. It is, quite possibly, my most anticipated book of the week. Especially, looking forward to a whiskey drinking Lockheed (who Gillen advertises as the Wolverine of S.W.O.R.D.) and Gillen's new creation, Unit.
Also, dropped BATGIRL and BOOSTER GOLD as of this month. BATGIRL just fails to entertain and some of the writing is awful. BOOSTER GOLD, particularly, hurts since he has always been a favorite of mine. However, the stories feel like they have no impact and are paradox after paradox. I wish they would make him a defender of the Multiverse as well as/instead of the time stream (and I haven't enjoyed a single page of BLUE BEETLE under Sturges).
this is a 50 dollar wednesday.
...Is Batgirl fighting the mutants gang from Dark Knight Returns?
No Supergod? The series looks like another round of awesome brought to us by Warren Ellis.
maybe it's me but the xforce 21 cover reminded me of midnight nation 1
@Dickey - Supergod is definitely something I want to check out, but I didn't "preview" it because it is unlikely that my shop will have it, sadly.
$5, damn, that's me out I think. I can only add so much, and with SWORD stepping up, I am pretty keen to see Unit, sounds very cool, and having just added FF, Cowboy Ninja Viking and Weapon X, I think I'm tapped right now. What a shame, there need to be comic reading scholarships.
Kirk, Ryan
I am begging both of you (literally on my knees typing here) to please check out the R.E.B.E.L.S. blackest night tie-in issues.
If there was any book that had such a great and unique story but was plagued by low sales that deserved a boost from the biggest event of the year "Blackest Night," it would be R.E.B.E.L.S.!!!!!!
If you don't want to buy it for the story, then at least buy it for the promo Indigo Tribe ring.
Come on, show this great book some COMPASSION.
I agree with Maese JP,if you guys like stuff like old school Giffen JLA or Metal Men co feature in Doom patrol (why no love for the patrol?I have fond memories of things like the codpiece,the beardhunter and the Morrison era in general)
You must absolutely check R.E.B.E.L.S
i agree with JP and El Gostro, you must check R.E.B.E.L.S.
This issue of GI Joe apparently wasnt written with any knowledge of the solict. That's not cool. Very, very bad move IDW.
@Ryan - Esad Ribic is doing the covers on Daredevil. He recently did a Silver Surfer mini and a Namor mini written by Peter Milligan. He also penciled the Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine issue that just came out, which is the first time I've seen his work not painted. It was spectacular.
I've been digging his Daredevil covers, but to each his own.
It was a damn good week for comics. I've gotten a number of comics on the list, and found some fantastic reads, but one I've noticed you didn't preview that I, and others, love, is R.E.B.E.L.S.
I love the book, and if not the best book of the week for me, then at bare minimum it's in the Top 3. Hell, the book itself is almost always among the top books of the week they come out.
Another fun read was the Batman/Doc Savage Special. A new universe I can get behind. Batman having guns is odd at first, but it works, all things consider, for the universe itself.
All that aside, thanks for the entertaining previews.
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