It's time for another weekend edition of the
Comic Book Moments of the Week. My moment of the week was a tough decision. There was the beautiful art in
Detective Comics and the tabletop game and 'choose your own adventure' in
Incredible Hercules, but I have to give it to
Incredible Hulk for someone finally informing
Skaar about
Conan the Barbarian. It was a long time coming and worth the wait. Hit the jump to see these moments and more!
Amazing Spider-Man #606
Soap opera dialogue, sitcom "comedy", racism and spontaneous combustion with a drugged out looking Peter wearing mascara. Love these new stories with a single Peter.
So, uh, how'd these people get a live feed setup to cover this kiss so quickly? All setup by Black Cat? Why isn't Peter's spider-sense going off? Why would Mary Jane even care? Oh, ya, damsel in distress still hung up on someone she hasn't seen or dated in years.
Blackest Night: Superman #2
Last issue, neither Superman nor Superboy could hear a single living creature in Smallville. These are two people that can hear a butterly's wings flap on the other side of the planet. How the hell did they miss an entire town full of people?
The big plan to kidnap Martha Kent instead of outright killing her was rationalized by fans as the Black Lanterns wanting to elicit an emotion before killing her. This issue, they decide to just kill her, get interrupted by Superboy and Martha runs off into the corn field with Black Lantern Earth-2 Lois Lane (she needs a longer name) in pursuit. Instead of keeping her head down and getting out of dodge, Martha lights up a torch, gets angry and emotional and prepares to fight back against these Black Lanterns.
For reference, Black Lantern Lois took down Krypto without breaking a sweat, can fly, isn't blind, can sense emotions like all other Black Lanterns and could probably spot this torch in the middle of the night a kilometer away if she decided to fly more than a meter off the ground. In short, this is quite possibly the dumbest thing Martha could have done in this situation.
Detective Comics #857
Purdy. Also, is that a nipple slip by Alice on the left (probably not a big enough picture to notice, but looks like they just whited out over it)?
Dark Reign: The List - X-Men #1
So the
Sentry is Norman Osborn's
Jarvis, fetching him corndogs and beverages?
Fantastic Four #571
Really enjoyed this conversation, though
Reed and
Sue have had similar ones before.
Oh, this is definitely not going to come back and bite anyone in the arse. Nope, definitely not.
Guardians of the Galaxy #18
Not wanting to start another fight with the future Guardians of the Galaxy, Starlord chooses Rocket Raccoon's original suggestion for their team name - the Butt Kickers of the Fantastic.
Immortal Weapons #3
Hey, I know the standard issue punch move! A few more years of training and I, too, can be Dog Brother #1.
Incredible Hercules #135
This 'Choose Your Own Adventure' recap page was perfect in every way.
Pythagoras Dupree is an asshole DM.
Incredible Hulk #602
Hulk's milkshakes bring all the
Juggernauts to the yard...
Sick burn with the
'Rhino was busy' line
Just some context for the next panel...
My personal moment of the week - Skaar learning about Conan. It was about time someone told him about it.
Invincible #66
There's less than 50 full blooded Viltrumites left alive. Rest were wiped out by super virus and bodies were deposited in orbit around their homeworld forming the ring-like structure you see above.
New Avengers #57
Amazing. Spectacular. Sensational. Web of. Well, the last one doesn't work, but feel free to take your pick of any or all of those other adjectives to describe how good this scene was.
I'd watch that TV show, too.
Power Girl #5
That always happens to me. It's really the only way you learn to remember to put the safety on your crazy science gun of death.
Wolverine: Giant-Size Old Man Logan #1
Ya, that's a 'shit your pants' moment.
As was this one.
Haha, I saw a scan of the "Conan" moment and I was hoping it would make it to Moments of the Week. That's some seriously funny stuff, and the Juggernaut scenes as well. If this comic wasn't 3.99, I'd start picking it up (I know it has a back-up, but I don't care for it very much)
Also, how the hell does the "Viltrumite ring" work? Did the Viltrumites do the exact math so that the bodies would stay in perfect orbit? And even then, is it a smart idea to show just how many of your species have been killed already?
Wait. Hang on. Did Power Girl just become indirectly responsible for a cop's death? Stupid blondes....
The "ring made of bodies" scene is getting old. Didn't Green Lantern Corps do the same thing recently?
I was hoping for the Splash page of Hillybilly Hulk's ''You wouldn't like me angry. When I get angry, people piss themselves.'' from Old Man Logan Giant-Size, but the Conan bit is great, also.
No mention of puppy Cosmo?
Yeah, that whole apartment scene at the beginning of ASM #606 came off like a cross between a "unwanted harem" anime and a bad episode of Three's Company. And make no mistake, the "braintrust", "webheads" or whatever they want to call themselves now are obviously setting up a "Will They or Won't They" scenario with Peter and MJ, as it's no coincidence Spidey's girl troubles kicked into high gear the moment MJ came back.
Great job on the moments this week. These renew my faith in comics, but they also add to the foolishness of my purchases. Either way, great job.
I checked BN:Superman #1, and while the streets of Smallville are empty when they arrive, Conner mentions that he doesn't hear any animals or insects, like the rats have deserted a sinking ship. He doesn't say anything to rule out people. Superman makes it sound like no one is even in town, but he may only mean hearing anything out-of-the-ordinary for a town closing for the night. I guess that might apply if anyone who had met Zombie Kal was already dead. He does hear something of Ma, but doesn't finish his sentence.
But this is the point when Superboy's wristband suddenly vanishes, and is not seen in #2 at all, so I think a Prime Punch moment may have just taken place.
My favorite book this week was "X-Men: The List", though the story was really, REALLY short. One fight scene, a denouement & that's a wrap. Not a lot of drama during the fight either. A pity that their editors cannot remember how to spell the name of the former Alpha Flight member, Marrina. On the page where Namor drags her into the Mariana trench, Namor calls her Mariana.
Can't fault them too much. I thought it was spelled with one R and two N's. Oh well...
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