Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cover of the Week - GI Joe Helix, FC Aftermath: Run & Blackest Night

Our Cover of the Week nominations are in and this week sees Ryan, Matt and myself each picking different covers. Ryan went with the GI Joe Special: Helix cover, which I was very close to choosing as my own, while Matt opted for the simplicity of the Final Crisis Aftermath: Run #4 cover. My own choice ended up being the Blackest Night #2 variant that featured Black Lantern Aquaman commanding a horde of undead sea creatures. Hit the jump for a look and our reasons for each pick!

Ryan's Cover of the Week - GI Joe Special: Helix

Ryan: I love everything about this cover--the energy, the clean linework, the depth, the bold design, fantastic lighting, etc. This is a cover that catches your eye and doesn't let go.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Final Crisis Aftermath: Run #4

Matt: While in terms of art quality, this may not be the best cover this week, I just really enjoyed the simplicity of it. In this case, less is more, and the image of Nemesis chained to the cosmic thread mill is a pretty strong image on it's own.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Blackest Night #2 (Variant)

Kirk: Black Lantern Aquaman leading an army of undead sea creatures? Ya, that's an image that reaches out and grabs my attention.

Runners-Up: Adventure Comics #1 (Variant), Red Robin #3 & Incredible Hercules #132

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Steven said...

That's Nemesis, not Libra, on the cover of Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape, Not FCA: Run.

Matt Duarte said...

Woops, that was my bad actually. We'll fix it ASAP.

Maxy Barnard said...

Personally I'd go with Herc or either of the Adventure Comics covers but the Blackest Night cover is understandably awesome

Daniel Woburn said...

no love for the Ultimate Comics holofoils? ;)

all jokes aside, the regular wraparound for Ultimate Comics Avengers really caught my eye, I was never a Pacheco fan before I saw that (don't know why...), and the design aesthetic is really unique. it really does make the Ultimate line feel new and fresh again, same with Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1.

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