Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cover of the Week - Destroyer and Green Lantern Corps

This week's Cover of the Week has Matt and I spotlighting our two choices for top honours. Matt went with Destroyer #4 while I chose Green Lantern Corps #38. Hit the jump for a look see at each and find out why we chose the covers we did.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Destroyer #4

Matt: Jason Pearson is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists, and this Destroyer cover reinforces that. This cover is incredibly dynamic, and the facial expressions are great.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Green Lantern Corps #38

Kirk: Powerful and striking cover. Really grabs your attention when you look at it. You just know something huge happened in this issue just by looking at the cover and that's always the sign of a good cover to me. I'm also a sucker for old school word balloons being used on the cover.

Runners-up: Greek Street #1, Secret Six #11 & Marvel Divas #1

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Ryan Schrodt said...

I just realized that I didn't give my picks this week, but that's okay because my Cover of the Week was also Green Lantern Corps and my runner up would've been Greek Street. Looks like I was covered anyway!

Matt Duarte said...

I liked the Green Lantern Corps cover a lot, but I thought it would have worked better without the speech.

Either that, or adding "YOU POOZERS" at the end.

Nathan Aaron said...

I was so irritated that they chose to use that really bad sexpot Campbell cover as the regular for Marvel Divas, and this great one above as the variant. I'm SO over this new resurgence of Marvel variant covers! My store immediately puts variants in a bag, and will easily triple the price, before they even hit the shelf (which is really lame.) Cover rant over. (But the variant cover is great!)

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