Monday, July 6, 2009

Reader Question - Will You Be Buying Wednesday Comics?

DC's ambitious new project, Wednesday Comics, debuts this week. It features a literal who's who of comic book creators on each of their dream projects, ranging from Neil Gaiman (Sandman) and Mike Allred (Madman) on Metamorpho and Paul Pope's (Batman: Year 100) Adam Strange to 100 Bullet's Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso on Batman and so many more (full list after the jump). Each team will write serialized one-page stories on oversized 14" x 20" newsprint pages in a throwback to the old Sunday comics sections (not to be confused with the funny pages you get these days).

My question to you is, will you be buying Wednesday Comics and why or why not? Does the newspaper format turn you off of the project? Are you just dying to see a certain creative team? Is the price too high for the unique format and odd projects or are these creative teams just too good to pass up? Let your voice be heard in the comments below and check the full Wednesday solicit and creative team information after the jump!

Various Writers and artists.
In July, DC Comics gives a fresh twist to a grand comics tradition with WEDNESDAY COMICS, a new, weekly 12-issue series by some of the greatest names in comics today!

WEDNESDAY COMICS is unique in modern comics history: Reinventing the classic weekly newspaper comics section, it is a 16-page weekly that unfolds to a sprawling 28" x 20" tabloid-sized reading experience bursting with mind-blowing color, action and excitement, with each feature on its own 14" x 20" page.

Spearheaded by DCU Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello, whose past editing credits include BATMAN BLACK and WHITE, DC: THE NEW FRONTIER and SOLO, each page of WEDNESDAY COMICS spotlights the continuing adventures of DC heroes, including:

BATMAN, Wednesday Comics' weekly cover feature, by the Eisner Award-winning 100 Bullets team of writer Brian Azzarello and artist Eduardo Risso
ADAM STRANGE, by writer/artist Paul Pope (Batman: Year 100)
METAMORPHO, written by New York Times best-selling writer Neil Gaiman with art by Eisner Award-winner Michael Allred (Madman)
THE DEMON AND CATWOMAN, written by Walter Simonson (Thor, Manhunter) with art by famed DC cover artist Brian Stelfreeze
DEADMAN, written by Dave Bullock and Vinton Heuck, art by Dave Bullock
KAMANDI, written by Dave Gibbons (Watchmen, Green Lantern Corps) with art by Ryan Sook (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Arkham Asylum: Living Hell)
SUPERMAN, written by John Arcudi (The Mask) with art by Lee Bermejo (Joker)
WONDER WOMAN, written and illustrated by Ben Caldwell (Dare Detectives)
GREEN LANTERN, written by Kurt Busiek (Trinity, Astro City) with art by Joe QuiƱones (Teen Titans Go!)
TEEN TITANS, written by Eddie Berganza with art by Sean Galloway
SUPERGIRL, written by Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex) with art by Amanda Conner (Power Girl)
HAWKMAN, written and illustrated by Kyle Baker (Plastic Man, Special Forces)
SGT. ROCK, written by Adam Kubert (Superman: Last Son), ilustrated by legendary comics artist Joe Kubert
THE FLASH, written by Karl Kerschl (Teen Tians Year One, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive) and Brenden Fletcher, illustrated by Karl Kerschl
METAL MEN, written by Dan DiDio with art by Ian Churchill (Supergirl)

WEDNESDAY COMICS will arrive in stores folded twice to 7" x 10", with the first issue set to reach stores on July 8.

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Anonymous said...

I'm definitely buying at least the first couple issues. Being from the "Try it, you might like it" school of thought, I really wanna give Wednesday Comics a shot since it's a really interesting project.

Andrew White said...

I'm much more of a trade waiter (as I live in Blighty and my local comic shop has less variety than a vegetarian BBQ and charges more for a single comic than most bookstores charge for a paperback here).

But, saying this, I'm definitely going to get this in issues. I'm sure I'll probably end up only liking 50% of the stories at most - but I do want to get behind any new initiatives like this. I also always try to pick up the Top Cow Pilot Season issues as again, it's something different.

And there's just something great about that weekly hit - I know nothing has managed to even come close to 52 so far, but having something to talk about week in, week out is genuinely something I've liked.

I'm also looking forward to seeing what the trade actually looks like too - maybe an old school car atlas/map size?

Sebastian said...

Definitely. It's a ballsy move for DC and I think it's great. A little bit pricey, but Pope, Gaiman, Allred, Palmiotti and Conner are some of my favorite creators. The rest of the features have some pretty notable people, too. And then there's the nostalgia factor. It looks to be really cool and I expect to see the first issue up on my wall soon.

Unknown said...

Stick with it for at least a month, if you can. Can't speak for all the strips, but our "Flash" story is pretty light and fun for the first few weeks. Things really start to get tough for Barry around the end of Issue #4 (or page #4, I should say...)

Hope you enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Nope. $4 a pop for 16 one-page comics just doesn't appeal to me. If it was $3 or even $3.50, I'd try out an issue. I understand that it is a showcase, but just I don't care about many of those stories and I'm unfamiliar with most of those writers/artists. I've been cutting back on my comic budget, anyways.

Matt Duarte said...

I really, honestly want to, and I have no doubt it will be great with such talent attached to it.

Sadly, I can't afford to buy a weekly 3.99 comic. I am going to have to trade wait this.

Tim said...

Too pricey for me. I would like to get it, but the budget just doesn't allow.

Anonymous said...

Yes. The format is interesting and the art is spectacular in the previews. The writing on over half of the strips would have to be abyssmal for me to drop it.

Christian Zamora said...

While I'm not really hooked on the tabloid format, I'm glad DC is trying new things. Still, if it's tabloid as in newspaper, it shouldn't be this expensive.

THK said...

Have you seen the Previews for Batman, Superman, Kamandi, Supergirl? I will definetly buy this, because it is something different, and for that alone DC deserves a Chance to succeed, and maybe come up with another unusual idee after this!
Someone remembers what the Marvel Knights imprint used to be, since it got lost in oblivion?
Maybe something really great will come out of it, maybe not, but I will be there, to see for myself.
And to all of you, actually waiting for the TPB, it´s like a newspaper 14" x 20", I´d really like to see that as a TPB!

Anonymous said...

I hope to buy it, but I may end up dropping it after a while if my budget woes continue.
And the newspaper format is a mix of excitement and worry... touching newspaper makes me cringe.
Excited all the same though, haha.

Anonymous said...

They could easily make a trade at the end of it, make it the same size as the Batman B&W 2 trade..
I think that would be better but the newspaper format is too unique to pass up.

Ryan Schrodt said...

This is going to get expensive, but this is an all-star team of comics talent. With the talent involved, I consider this one a steal at $4 a week.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

I'll look at it in the store, and make my decision then. Like others, the price bugs me, but I do like that they're trying something new. Innovation is becoming a lost art.

Daryll B said...

I am getting it....this is why I dropped several 3.99 books to make room for...I'll give it a shot and I trust the creators to do right by us...

Andrenn said...

I would really love to be reading it, but I'm trade waiting it, like so many other great looking comics coming out nowadays. I do like the format, I love the talent behind it, this looks like a comic I'll enjoy reading when collected.

Jonathan M Perez said...

The talent that DC has assembled for this--plus what is likely to be a unique format--is going to be irresistible. Plus, you have to give DC credit for trying to do things different and unique. That talent really puts Marvel to shame.

The Dangster said...

the pages are huge and the talent involved makes it TOTALLY worth it. I can afford $4 miss some and pick it up the next week on schedule. Thank god this is only 12 weeks, smart move. I feel like the people waiting for trades are REALLY gonna miss out.

You know you guys can afford this? Drop comics that suck.

Anonymous said...

Tromeritus, each 14x20 page when folded into quarters is about the size of one normal 7x9 comic book page. So it's not really "16 one-page comics", more like sixteen 3-4 page comics. Four bucks for about 48-64 pages worth of comic stories by top talent on their favorite characters with a unique reading experience, weekly. I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to pick this book up! I've been excited for a long time.

brandon said...

my shop in NJ is offering issue one at $3 instead of $4 which makes it very, very inticing to pick it up. But the prospect of 12 issues at $4 a pop is a big drawback. It's just so expensive IMO.

At this point I plan to buy the first and see how much I like it.

googum said...

I'm in, probably for the duration. Good list of creators, and they could almost go more B-list on the characters for my taste.

SpeedsterSite said...

I'll be buying this first week, but it HAS to be interesting. These don't look like they'll stand the test of time, and I'm a big re-reader.

mrpeepants said...

Yes, added to my pull list because its different but mainly because it should be quality stuff.

Anonymous said...

Man, finally someone in America gets it. This is how to do comics, respectable format [why shoould only Europeans do them properly, we can too] weekly. All is perfect for a start. I would slowly add more pages [never decrease the size of this beauty!] maybe add some different genres in there slowly like one manga page [not those large eye one, but more realistically drawn eg, Naoki Urasawa], comedy eg, Sergio Aragones etc. western Jonah Hex by Jordi Bernet that would be awesome...

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