Kirk is still on vacation, but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun without him, right? Welcome to another edition of Moments of the Week! My name is Matt, and I will be your host for the evening.
There's usually a clear winner of which comic has the best moments in a week, but I am kind of stumped. I think the big winner this week is Stuart Immonen who gets in two incredible double page spreads in different comics in the same week (although I admit I may be a bit biased)! Luckily, I didn't come across scans of a certain series that begins with the letter U. The less said about that one, the better.
Hit the jump to see more!
Blackest Night - Tales of the Corps #3

The first rule about Poozers Club is: you don't ask about Poozers Club.
Detective Comics #855

I am required by law to showcase the beautiful art in Detective Comics. Very creative use of panel arraignment to direct the reader of the direction the story flows.
Dark Reign - Hawkeye #4

Bullseye! This seems like such an obvious thing to do, but I still liked it.
Dark Reign - Young Avengers #3

Now I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that Hudson River is not completely brown with waste. I could be wrong though.

Sounding kind of Machine Man there, Egghead.
Fantastic Four #569

What an great image by Stuart Immonen! He is channeling his inner Perez here. My favorite part though, is on the upper right of the image where you can see CAPTAIN AMERICA AS A T-REX!

Wow, I'm not sure if that is true or if they just made it up, but that sounds pretty cool and dangerous. Sure, SCIENCE! can be fun but also...
Ignition City #4

Exactly! Thank you, Mr. Ellis.
Justice Society of America #29

Haha, Stargirl's face expression is spot on. Does Obsidian count as a peeping tom if he's just staring inside his own house?
New Avengers #55

The Stuff of Legend #1

Thunderbolts #134

Just a very cool splash page of Songbird. I really liked the art in this issue.

This is what happens when you use the FAP sound effect: someone on the internet is going to come in and take the panel out of context. In this case, it was me.
Wonder Woman #34

You know, there's at least half a dozen jokes in here, but I think Gail Simone put this scene in the comic just to show readers that Wonder Woman's costume could be A LOT worse.
so Killowog's drill sergeant is named Ermey... usually the names are more subtle...
I know Ultimatum was garbage, but thought we'd see some pages of just how bad that really was. Otherwise, good moments. Could have showed the apprentice for the Marquis in FF as well.
Anonymous, I thought the reveal in FF was a good moment, but I also didn't want to spoil things too much.
And oh god, I just saw some of the pages of Ultimatum. Easy contender for the worst comic of the decade. Kevin over at Comic Book Legacy has some of those moments up.
Ultimatum was horrible. I just don't understand. Jeph Loeb is not a horrible writer. His "Color" series with Tim Sale and the DC books they did was phenomenal. His work on the first couple arcs of Superman/Batman, were not bad. This is just horrible drivel. It was the worst type of comic book storytelling, with meaningless disasters and deaths for the sake of deaths. It was just horrible. I can't imagine anything coming out before the end of the year, that will usurp it's crown for "Worst Comic Series of 2009". Oh, and don't get me started on the Red Hulk. Loeb needs to stay away from continuity period if those comics are all we can expect.
I would've gone with the "your house smells weird"/"It smells of SCIENCE!" exchange from Ignition City, but either one is good.
wikipedia says - "Absolute hot is a term used to refer to the highest attainable temperature by any form of matter. Absolute hot is the opposite of absolute zero, which is the temperature at which kelvin molecular energy is minimal... is the highest temperature in conventional physics because conventional physics breaks down at that temperature." Seems sorta wiki referenced but still cool that it isn't mumbo jumbo.
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