Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dark Reign: Young Avengers #2 Review

Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Mark Brooks

While I enjoyed the first issue of Dark Reign: Young Avengers, it was far from perfect and had not completely sold me on the idea or need for a series like this. This second issue goes a long way to dispelling any of that with a very solid outing.

Last issue ended with the real Young Avengers teleporting into the Dark Reign version's hideout with what looked like the obvious super hero battle setup for this issue. While we do get a few pages of fighting, I was actually surprised at how fast they came to terms and all just sat down to talk things through.

This led to Coat of Arms telling us the origin of why she formed this new team of Young Avengers, which amounts to her being insane and/or obsessed with Norman Osborn. After a chance encounter with him, she was determined to form a team to challenge him and I think get him to become the Green Goblin for her again. At least her heart is in the right place. She's also got a history with Speed from the Young Avengers, which should be interesting to see more of.

While the "origin" took up most of the issue, the actual talking between the teams was interesting and the Young Avengers are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and let them try out for their team or find their own name if they wish. Very refreshing take on the typical fists first approaches.

The one other thing of note was the reveal of who Executioner's mother is and she turns out to be Princess Python from the Circus of Crime. While not a major villain, the conversation they are having is rather interesting as Executioner has managed to see past Kate Bishop's (aka Hawkeye) amazing disguise of sunglasses to discover her secret identity and is talking to his mother about Kate. I'm not sure if they just have past history, but it seems like they do based on how he speaks of her.

Verdict - Check It. While not a must read or major story, this was still quite entertaining and fans of Young Avengers will be very pleased with their handling here.

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