Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Leonard Kirk
I'm a little torn over how to feel about this issue of Captain Britain and MI13. I know I liked it overall, but the opening sequence really disappointed me for some reason.
It consisted of basically washing away Dracula's entire victory and conquering of Britain last issue by having it all revealed to have been a dream sequence setup through MI13's use of Plokta. Using Plokta, who they defeated and captured earlier in the series, was a nice touch, but I was so blown away by the ending to the previous issue that it just felt a little cheap, no matter how well executed it was, to have it all just amount to a dream sequence. No one really died or was taken out of play in a manner that could not be resolved either, so I was expecting Captain Britain to find a way back into Britain and Blade to go it alone with the rest of the team captured or incapacitated. Thankfully, we were still given an excellent followup, but a lot of the promise from last issue was lost.
One of the more interesting subplots this issue was build upon was Dracula's weakened control over other vampires. I'm not sure what is going on there, but it seems like a rather major development and I hope it's expanded upon before the end of this storyline.
A fun cameo in this issue was by Killpower, a character that pretty much defines the 90's X-TREME movement. He was an undercover agent for MI13 acting as a slave to Dracula and helped them rescure Spitfire and others.
Another interesting follow up was with Dr Doom and Meggan from the recent Captain Britain and MI13 Annual. Dr Doom 'saved' Meggan from Hell simply to give to Dracula as a gift in exchange for Dracula owing him a favour. I'm curious as to what that is all about and if we'll see it followed up on in the future now that we know this book is due for cancellation. Dark Reign could be over before we ever see a miniseries or relaunch of this book, so it may never see the light of day.
Verdict - Must Read. All in all, despite the whole dream sequence washing away at the start, this was a very good issue of the always excellent Captain Britain and MI13 that has left me wanting more. Can't wait to see how this storyline concludes.
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