Written by Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Art by Stefano Caselli
Camp Hammond has been overrun, not just by the occupying Skrull army, but by the SKRULL QUEEN, herself! Well guess what? That's just what the SHADOW INITIATIVE wanted! Join MUTANT ZERO, TRAUMA, BENGAL, CONSTRICTOR, and ANT-MAN as they try this war's most dangerous mission: to take out the SKRULL-SPIDER-WOMAN! That IS why you stayed behind, right ANT-MAN? Also: As 3-D MAN and the KILL KREW carve a green, bloody swath across America, their numbers continue to grow. And in this issue, a classic AVENGER signs up-- and joins the AVENGERS: INITIATIVE ongoing cast!
Kirk Says: I loved the reintroduction of the Skrull Kill Krew last month and am really looking forward to seeing Ant-Man in the spotlight again. Also, that cover really grabs me everytime I look at it. Hard to even pass it up with a cover like that.

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Jefte Palo
The war for Wakanda comes to its brutal conclusion. With Storm and the Black Panther both prisoners of the Skrull invaders, is all hope lost for the people of Wakanda? Or does their king still have one last trick up his sleeve?
Kirk Says: Jason Aaron's Black Panther has been one of the best books, let alone tie-ins to Secret Invasion, in a long while and it's a shame this will be his last issue on the title.

Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Andre Coehlo
After getting roped into Border Patrol duty, Blue Beetle learns you can't fight City Hall! He can still fight Intergang, though – but they're not going to make it easy for him!
Kirk Says: Ever since Rogers left the title, I've been having a hard time justifying the purchase of Blue Beetle every month and the feeling just keeps getting worse as time goes on.
It's not that the title has become unreadable, but it lacks that something special that Rogers brought to the book and my interest is fading fast. Here's hoping Sturges can hook me before I inevitably drop this once great title.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting
The final chapter of the epic "Death of Captain America" saga is here! The New Captain America, the Falcon, the Black Widow, Sharon Carter - all in a final showdown with the Red Skull and his minions for the future of America!
Kirk Says: It doesn't seem like we're ready for a conclusion, but I have complete faith in Brubaker at this point.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Clay Mann
Be there when Matt Murdock first encounters a shocking new face -- Lady Bullseye! Who is she? Where did she come from? What does she want? And will she be a foe to Daredevil…or a friend? We can’t make a peep yet, but it’s the perfect jumping-on point as an alarming new chapter begins in the acclaimed DAREDEVIL run by Ed Brubaker and Clay Mann! LADY BULLSEYE!!
Kirk Says: Speaking of faith in Brubaker, when it comes to his Daredevil, he's been a bit flakey compared to his Cap work. He has his moments, but there are just too many ups and downs in regards to the quality of his work on this book to have the same faith in it as I do with Cap.
So, when I heard about this Lady Bullseye, I just cringed and decided to grit my teeth and take my spankings like a man. Hopefully there's a story based reasoning behind a character like this other than "it's Bullseye with boobs!".

Written by Mark Millar
Art by Bryan Hitch
“Well, let’s start with the good news. The good news is that the Earth DIDN’T die in the early part of the twenty-first century. It actually survived another five hundred years, thanks to the efforts of Doctor Reed Richards. But when the end times came, it was worse than we imagined. Twelve billion people starved to death, half the world’s cities drowned in the seas and cancer and disease affected almost every living creature. The rich and the powerful disappeared overnight, leaving behind a lawless mess that the world’s remaining super heroes bound together to protect. But it was HOPELESS and we KNEW it. Hence the reason I built the big MACHINE…”
Kirk Says: What's with that solicit? Are we talking about the same story I've been reading for the past several months? Is it supposed to be Dr Banner's reasoning for kidnapping Doom, Johnny and Galactus(!)?

Written by Mark Millar
Art by Tommy Lee Edwards
Toby Goodman’s figured out the only way he can save the real world of 1985 from an invasion of super-villains from the Marvel Universe—but to do so he has to lay his life on the line and journey to the one place he never imagined he’d go. It’s the trip of a lifetime—and it just might mean the end of all life on two dimensions. The super hero crossover you always dreamed of gets bigger and bolder, in a story with major ramifications in the Marvel Universe of today!
Kirk Says: Things are coming to ahead now that Toby has made his way to the Marvel Universe to recruit super heroes to stop the villains in the "real world".

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Jim Cheung
If the Skrulls have infiltrated us for years preparing for the INVASION, then what happened to them during the legendary HOUSE OF M event? Find out here in another huge chapter in the Secret Invasion story packed with shocking reveals.
By Secret Invasion's Brian Michael Bendis and superstar artist Jim Cheung (Young Avengers)
Kirk Says: I shouldn't buy this. Why am I buying it? I know this is going to end up just like the other Bendis penned "fill in the blanks" tie-ins yet I'm still going to pick it up. WHY?

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Wellinton Alves
Back on Earth in the middle of the biggest and most insidious alien invasion ever, Richard Rider battles to safeguard the only people he can trust... his family! Rich’s kid brother now works at the famous Project Pegasus... and that means he’s right in the Skrulls' firing line! It’s blistering cosmic-powered action as the last Nova Centurion stands against an entire Skrull strike force hell-bent on securing Project Pegasus's secret weapons for themselves! And take it from us, the last page shocker will knock Nova upside his helmet!
Kirk Says: Odd there's no mention of the Super Skrull or his betrayal at the end of last issue in this solicit. Figured that would be the biggest part of this storyline yet it's about Nova helping his family.

Written by Terry Moore
Art by Humberto Ramos
The kids are back in town, and LA will never be the same. They’ve set up new digs in Malibu, but will they be able to keep it from being destroyed the first day? The remains of Runaway Karolina’s alien race has come to Earth to get revenge for the millions who died on their homeworld. And they’re pointing their fingers at Karolina and Xavin. All this from comic legend Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise, Echo) and superstar Humberto Ramos (X-MEN, SPIDER-MAN)!
Kirk Says: Now that the introductions and setup of the team's new home and return to LA has been handled, let's see what Moore can do with these characters.

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen
Guest-starring the Ultimates! The worst has happened -- Peter Parker has become the dreaded symbiote Venom! And not only is Silver Sable and her Wildpack on his gooey trail, but our troubled hero is also in the crosshairs of the Ultimates!
Kirk Says: It's hard to talk about USM. It's always good, rarely, if ever, bad and in its consistency, it makes it hard to discuss. I still love it and recommend it, but there's not much else to really get hyped up or talk about.

Written by Chris Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Mike Choi
X-Force is still reeling from the aftermath of their first mission, but there’s no rest for the wicked. Mutantkind’s enemies have multiplied, but Cyclops has a new target for his black-ops team...and even X-Force doesn’t believe who they’re going after next.
Superstar artists MIKE CHOI and SONIA OBACK are on board as one of the X-Men’s oldest foes returns!
Kirk Says: Now that the killing and the bloody debut is over, let's see what else Yost and Kyle have to offer us with this new team.
I'm very nervous about Cap #42; I mean, this is it; it all has to come together here. Brubaker has yet to put his foot wrong on this book, and if he can pull this off, it'll be a landmark.
I'm only buying New Avengers for more Skrull Queen Spider-woman and Jimmy Cheung art.
Big Week.
Captain America should be awesome. I can't help but think that Brubaker can't better, but this might be what changes that. Anxious to read this (And to read it with the rest of the Saga).
If I read right, Iron Fist shows up in this issue of Daredevil, and that's going to be a part of the Lady Bullseye thing. I have no real problems with the book and will continue to pick it up.
I don't get the FF Solicit, but like the rest of Millar-World, I don't care. Speaking of which, that Marvel 1985 cover is awesome. I love this story.
I have no idea how the next issue and the last issue of Nova tie together, but I'm sure it'll work itself out. However, I'm hating this tie-in already.
X-Force is awesome. Doesn't Domino show up soon? I don't know who the new target is, but I'm excited.
The preview of Nova indicates the Super Skrull was only there to provide a cliffhanger, and you're gonna need to get She-Hulk to find out what he's up to.
Hey kirk,
No DC Books for you this week?
honestly shocked you are getting so many secret invasion tie ins.
I'm with Andrenn. As I just mentioned over at my blog, the Jim Cheung art is what's kept me on New Avengers. I think.
Welcome back Kirk, glad to see you got back on the horse.
With Captain America, I wouldn't necessarily think 'this is it'. I would even venture to guess that since things have been so epic so far, that this might be it for "The Death of Captain America" story and only the start of "The Life of the new Captain America".
Plus also, a lot of good, big things have happened so far, Bucky had his 'I'm CAPTAIN AMERICA' moment to end the last issue, so I'm definately looking forward to reading this, yeah.
Forgot to mention Deadpool #2. Are you reading it or what? I haven't decided on it yet, but I'm giving it a shot.
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