Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Secret Invasion: Runaways / Young Avengers #2 Review

Written by Christopher Yost
Art by Takeshi Miyazawa

Another great outing from Yost and Miyazawa (I thought he stopped doing American comics and that's why he wasn't doing Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane anymore?). This issue, along with the first, reads like a great Runaways story guest starring the Young Avengers, making me almost wish Marvel had lined these two up to take over Runaways now that Whedon's finally off the book.

Not only is this a great teamup between both teams, it's doing great things with the fleshing out of Xavin's origin and the character's gained a new level of depth in these two issues alone.

And Xavin wasn't the only one getting some much needed depth added to his character. Hulkling, the other Skrull (well, half Skrull) was a getting some moral questions posed about his refusal to accept his place as Skrull royalty and is faced with the notion that he could have prevented this invasion if he had simply united the Skrull race with his return.

Verdict - Must Read. I'm not sure how much of an influence this will have on the actual Secret Invasion event (like, will Hulkling step up to stop it or not), but this is a great Runaways issue and the guest appearances by the Young Avengers are equally as appreciated. Definitely far more than a simple event cash grab.

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