Sunday, June 15, 2008

What Was Your Comic Book of the Week? Poll Results

For this week's poll, I asked everyone what they considered their Comic Book of the Week. I put up a rather large selection of choices, so you'll have click the image for a clearer view of the pie chart, but it seems Action Comics #866 just narrowly edged out Booster Gold #10 with Captain Britain & MI 13 #2 the only other contender for the crown. You can see a quick break down of the results and my thoughts after the jump.

Comic Book of the Week

Action Comics - 28 (26%)
Booster Gold - 26 (24%)
Captain Britain & MI 13 #2 - 19 (17%)
Eternals #1 - 2 (2%)
Green Lantern Corps #25 - 4 (4%)
Invincible #50 - 9 (8%)
Skaar: Son of Hulk #1 - 6 (5%)
Sky Doll #2 - 4 (4%)
Wonder Woman #21 - 4 (4%)
Other - 7 (6%)

Total Votes - 109


I actually had Invincible #50 mislabelled as Invincible #25 on the poll and didn't even notice it until now, so even the pie chart has it wrong. I don't think it made any major difference in the results, but wanted to clarify that for anyone wondering why it was listed wrong.

The top two, Action Comics and Booster Gold, were of no surprise to me, being easily the best two mainstream issues this month that I read, but Captain Britain's showing was equally as impressive. Seems I'm going to have to pick it up, either in singles or trade, as it looks like I'm missing out on some good comic book reading.

I was surprised at the complete lack of votes for Sky Doll #2. I considered it to be easily the best book this week and I wonder if my preference for it is completely off or if people just aren't picking it up.

The results for Eternals #1 were also surprising. I read the book, but didn't review it, mainly because it just didn't interest me in the slightest and I imagine, based on the lack of votes, that many people were just as uninspired by it as I was.

Another new offering from Marvel, Skaar: Son of Hulk, faired just as poorly as Eternals. Is it due to the long layoff between Planet Hulk and the launching of this series or just a sign of an average, or worse, offering? I gave it a Check It verdict in my reviews, but it'll be curious to see how many people actually picked up the new title when the monthly sales totals come out.

For those that voted the Other option, I'm curious to know what titles I left off the list that you would have voted for. I thought I had covered all the "big names", but I don't buy everything and probably missed a title or two.

Thanks to all who voted and expect a new poll on Wednesday. I think I'm going to run the polls every Wednesday until Sunday, where upon I'll post the poll results for all to see.

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