Friday, June 13, 2008

Weekly Crisis Comic Shop

If you take a look at the navbar at the top of the page, you'll see a new link for a Store. To help facilitate more contests, I've gone through and set up an affiliate store.

To date, I've mostly tossed the odd link in random reviews or buyers guides, but that has only yeilded about $18, which I put towards the Atomic Robo contest (note: three trades and shipping is more than $18).

If you guys want to see more contests, I'd appreciate it if, whenever you feel the need to buy something on Amazon, you go through my store. I get a measly 4% commission on any purchases, but it adds up in the long run. All profits will be put into future contests.

However, this isn't a, "buy it or no more contests!", threat. I fully intend to have another contest for the one year anniversary on August 1st, so there will definitely be more contests regardless of money made off ads or Amazon. They'll just be smaller and less frequent or larger and more often, depending on how often people buy from Amazon through the store. The more you buy, the more you win.

I hope this post doesn't get misconstrued as a cheap sell-out post or some other negative connotation. If people feel it's too commercialized or distasteful, I'll be more than happy to take the link down as it isn't going to be used to make money for myself anyways. However, if you want to contribute and get any books you were going to buy anyways, feel free to go through one of my links. You don't even have to buy anything you click on. You could navigate to TVs or computers and buy those if you wanted and it would count towards my sale.

Finally, I spent a lot of time searching for mostly books I consider Must Reads. I don't have links to every single book or even high selling books unless I enjoyed it or felt it was essential to a storyline I enjoyed. I'll be adding more trades to the listings as I get time, but there are several hundred listings in the store already, ranging from Sandman and Y: The Last Man to various Absolutes and Omnibii from DC and Marvel.

If you have any suggestions for the store, feel free to leave a comment and I'll see if I can find them on Amazon and put some links up.

Thanks for your continued support and I hope this will lead to more contests and more chances for people to win!

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Ethereal said...

Awesome. I've been meaning to start buying some TPBs and what not off the net (No comic shop nearby). It also lets me support this place, which it should be. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

wow, I order a ton of stuff and trades off of amazon.

Eric Rupe said...

Cool. I was planning on getting some of those paperbacks anyway and its all in one convient spot. Good job, I will definitely buy from your store if you have it listed.

Kirk Warren said...

Thanks for the support guys. I'm hoping this increases sales through my Amazon Associates enough to run a contest every month (or more). Curerntly, I was lucky to get about a $1-3 a month.

@eric - Like I said, you don't even have to buy anything I list. As long as you search or nagivate to the item you wanted AFTER clicking on my store, it'll give me credit for it.

Even if it's a movie, DVD player, Xbox 360, TV or whatever you can think of, I'd get the commission as long as you navigated to it after being at my store.

Eric Rupe said...

Honestly, I just skimmed the post so I didn't catch the finer details. But, I have suggestions.

-UFF until the end of the Millar/Land run
-Wolverine: Enemy of the State
-Gaiman's Eternals
-Ultimate Iron Man I and II

-Morrison's Seven Soldiers
-Morrison's JLA

Matthew said...

Kirk, one thing I've wondered about - if I click on the link but then navigate to and buy from, does it still count towards your commission?

Kirk Warren said...

@matthew - No, I would have to set up a separate Amazon Associates account with the UK branch. Same if I wanted one for I simply chose the one that the highest percentage of my readers come from.

Thanks for trying, though!

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