Manhunter is making it's return to the monthly table with issue #31. I just recently picked up all the trades for the series and am pysched to finish up the last trade so I can jump right into issue #31 this week. I'm not sure how accessible this issue will be, but I imagine it will be a good jumping on point for new readers and recommend everyone take a chance on it if you can spare another $3 this week.
I'm in the mood to waste money this week, so I'm going to give Trinity, DC's new 52 week money sink hole, a shot with it's first issue. This is DC and Trinity's only chance to impress me and I will drop this title if it's anything short of amazing with it's first issue. I refuse to get invested in another year long story if it has even the slightest possibility of turning out like Countdown.
On the Marvel event side of things, they've got Secret Invasion #3, which promises more "hero versus hero" action (boo-urns), and Ultimatum #1, which I didn't even realize was coming out until just today. I guess it should provide a shot in the arm for the sagging Ultimate line.
One last thing before jumping into the previews. In case you haven't noticed the new banner, which is only for the duration of the contest, I'm running an Atomic Robo TPB Vol 1 giveaway contest as a thank you to all the readers over the past year (well, 10 months, one year is not until the end of July). The trades are signed by Brian Clevinger, Atomic Robo writer and co-creator, and you can find out all about that contest and how to enter by clicking here.
Hit the jump for the previews and my thoughts on everything I'll be picking up this week!

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Marcos Martin
"Photo Finished"
They say a picture's worth a thousand words... Well, for Peter Parker, the right picture is worth a million bucks! And what he does with it is really gonna change his life! This is a big one, Spidey Fans! We've got shake ups and break ups! Fake outs and freak outs! And a fight to the finish with one of Spider-Man's strangest foes: the fiendishly foldable PAPER DOLL! Miss this one, Marvelite, and you'll miss out on the BEST mystery guest of the YEAR! Here's a hint...she's a redhead!
Kirk Says: I've enjoyed this arc of Amazing Spider-Man, but I'm not sure if I enjoyed it enough to stick around for more. I might jump back in for the New Ways to Die mini-event later this year, though. Would people like to see me stick with the title a little longer or are you of the same opinion as me with a take or leave it attitude?

Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs
A killer stalks the city, taxing the wits of Batman, the Riddler and every other detective in Gotham. The Dark Knight's quest to unravel the truth behind the seemingly unrelated murders is complicated by the surprise return of a fan-favorite character. What sinister secret lies at the bottom of the gruesome murders plaguing Gotham City?
Kirk Says: I love that cover. Just the colours and almost water colour or colour pencil-like look to it. However, the main reason I'm picking this up is for the Catwoman appearance. With her series ending, I figure this might be setting her up to be a recurring character in the Bat books. At the very least, it should be an entertaining read.

Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Salvador Larroca
The new ongoing series - - a perfect jumping-on point for fans of this summer’s blockbuster - - continues here! Tony Stark comes face-to-face with his biggest nightmare: an amoral twenty-something biohacker with no loyalties or allegiances to anything other than money and power. Oh, and he also happens to be the son of Tony’s greatest nemesis. But what's the exact nature of Zeke Stane's menace? It's something unlike anything Tony has built before...and unlike anything Iron Man has had to beat before. The Golden Avenger faces the fight of his life! By rising star Matt Fraction (PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL, IMMORTAL IRON FIST) with jaw-dropping art by Salvador Larroca (UNCANNY X-MEN)!
Kirk Says: Why does Iron Man look like he's doing some funky disco dance on that cover, despite the fact there's a tank sneaking up on him and he looks like he's in a war zone? If no one does it, I might just have to shop him into some random dance party picture for the Moments of the Week.
With the recent convention news that the Knaufs are leaving Iron Man: Director of SHIELD, I'm probably going to have to learn to love this title, as DoS looks like it might be on its way out or, if we're lucky, converted into a Nick Fury title, as some commenters suggested.
It's not that I hated the first issue of Invincible Iron Man, but it was a completely different book from DoS and, while good, I wasn't as wild about it's debut issue as many other reviewers. I expect this to a be a dragged out, six issue story arc, so we might get some baby steps this issue. I'll stick with it for the first arc and make a decision on keeping with or dropping it at that point.

Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art by Dale Eaglesham
The beginning of the end of the ever-growing Justice Society starts with a new storyline! In the first chapter of "Gog," meet Earth's future savior — the one, true Gog — as he offers the Justice Society of America something many of the members can't refuse. But the controversial goodwill threatens to splinter the team, and it's up to Alan, Jay and Wildcat to hold it together.
Kirk Says: This storyline just keeps stopping and starting and it's starting to try my patience. It's never been outright bad, but it's frustrating, to say the least, having one excellent issue, like JSA #14, and then follow it up with a rather generic slugfest issue that basically resets the story back to the beginning with the introduction of a new Gog or kicking Kingdom Come Superman to the back burner in order to introduce half a dozen new characters to the team that no one was really picking this story up to see in the first place.
Hopefully Johns can at least kick this story into low gear (it would have to be moving in the first place to kick it up to high gear). The last half a dozen or so issues have felt like someone had to get out and push the damn thing along.

Written by Mark Millar
Art by John Romita Jr
You were wowed by the first two issues of this comic. But wait until you read issue three. Mark Millar (Civil War) and John Romita Jr (World War Hulk) only up the odds here and the pace is breathtaking. I read it weeks ago and I'm still having nightmares. Never have I seen such sickening violence sold to readers in the name of entertainment. If it wasn’t selling so well we’d have to stop publishing this monster. Follow Dave’s journey from zero to hero as he becomes a youtube celebrity. He sure kicked the ass of those drop-outs, didn’t he? Join us this issue where he inspires others to dress up and hurt people.
Kirk Says: The delays have really dampered my interest in this title. It came out of the gates firing on all cylinders and the delays make it feel like we've cut to TV break in the middle of a major action scene. The delays are surprising considering we have JRJr, who's a machine, on pencils and Millar, outside of sickness during Civil War, has rarely had problem with delivering scripts on time, and makes me wonder what caused the delays on this issue.

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos
The fan-favorite series returns! New series artist Michael Gaydos (New Avengers, Alias, Nightmare Factory) and cover artist Liam Sharp (COUNTDOWN PRESENTS: LORD HAVOK AND THE EXTREMISTS) deliver a stunning new look for the continuing adventures of the DCU's most human hero!
Los Angeles is Manhunter's town — so when Kate Spencer learns of the disappearance of hundreds of women along the Mexican border, she's on the case both as law-breaking D.A. and costumed vigilante.
Meanwhile, Kate's bloodline tie to the JSA returns to haunt her — and it looks like her sidekick's most notorious supervillain ex-boss is doing the same to him.
Kirk Says: I've been a huge fan of Manhunter since reading the first two I bought a while back. As such, I'm pumped at the return of the series I just recently fell in love with. I recently received the third and fourth trades, but have yet to make my way through the fourth one, so I'm going to have to find time to sit down and read that one to conclusion if I intend on reading and reviewing this issue this week. I'll see if I can do that later tonight or tomorrow so I can be ready to sink my teeth into the new issue.

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Rags Morales and Michael Baer
As the stakes get higher, Nightwing finds not only his own life in danger, but quite possibly the future of the entire country. Talia's grand new plans take shape thanks to the forced assistance of a kidnapped Mother of Champions now under Creighton's complete control.
Kirk Says: Dear DC, stop giving has beens, like the Kuberts, cushy cover jobs. If you signed them to draw comics, make them draw comics or fire them. I may not complain about other cover artists, like Hughes or Granov, but that's because they do pretend to be monthly artists and weren't promised as such with a big cushy exclusive contract. Seeing the Kuberts taking the cover work away from the actual artists just seems insulting to me and pisses me off when I think of all the delays to otherwise good stories they've caused.
Oh, and buy Nightwing. Great book, mainly due to Tomasi taking over the writing chores.

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Wellinton Alves
Continuing one of the wildest Galactus and Silver Surfer stories ever! He’s got the power of the entire Nova Force. He’s faced down the likes of Sphinx and Annihilus. But is the Human Rocket even in the same league as the Devourer of Worlds and his most famous herald? And what the blue blazes can Nova do when he finds himself the only thing standing between the big G and his next super-sized mega-meal? So, c’mon all you Silver Surfer & Galactus fans, take a chance on this book and find out why IGN.com says “NOVA has become one of Marvel's best new series.”
Kirk Says: It has Nova vs. the Silver Surfer with Galactus eating a planet, what more could you ask for?

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Rafael Albuquerque and Victor Ibáñez
From the rooftops in Robin to Gotham Underground, Spoiler's identity has remained a mystery — until now. All is revealed in this special when Robin and Spoiler team up to take down a kidnapping ring, hit up an illegal warehouse party and finish Tim's algebra homework; just another day in the life of a teenaged vigilante super-hero! Plus, even more Robin doesn't know: Spoiler's secret identity in another country, in another life - one she can never leave behind.
Kirk Says: Yay, Spoiler's back! On top of that Albuquerque, of Blue Beetle fame, is doing the art chores on this issue. Really looking forward to reading this issue as it should shed some light on Spoiler's faked death / return from the grave.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Leinil Francis Yu
THE BLOCKBUSTER EVENT continues. Its Avenger versus Avenger. Hero versus hero! Norman Osborn versus Captain
Marvel?? The Initiative versus an army of Super-Skrulls? Is Tony Stark really a- -? And who's that guy with an eye patch coming to save the day?? And, oh man, who did he bring with him?
Kirk Says: "Hero versus hero" should not be listed as some big surprise in the Marvel Universe anymore and I'm getting a bit tired of it, myself. Avengers Disassembled, Civil War, House of M, the Initiative, WWH, Messiah Complex and the list just goes on and on. I can't, honestly, remember the last time they fought an honest to goodness villain in a Marvel event. I guess Annihilation could count, but I'll consider that the exception that proves the rule. Can our next even be hyped as, "Heroes versus villains!"? Pretty please?

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Marko Djurdjevic
The mighty Thor rules over a newly glorious Asgard and all its people! But what danger has risen on the horizon of its American heartland surroundings? And how will Thor equip himself to face it??
Kirk Says: Is this a reprint? I won't be getting it if so, but the solicit doesn't sound like the Djurdjevic fill-in story. The cover image is ripped straight from those issues he penciled, so I'm confused. Didn't find any other information on this and was surprised it didn't say, "reprints Thor #blahblahblah", if is a reprint.

Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza
Art by Mark Bagley and Art Thibert, Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens, Tom Derenick and Wayne Faucher and Mike Norton and Jerry Ordway
DC's new weekly series TRINITY explodes in an extra-sized debut issue featuring art by fan-favorite Mark Bagley (Ultimate Spider-Man) and Art Thibert with lead stories and dialogue by Kurt Busiek (SUPERMAN, ASTRO CITY)!
The lead feature explores the unusual bond — and importance — of DC's top three characters, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, as a mysterious dream links them together and may prophesy important changes in their trinity!
Plus, a co-feature in issue #1 explores the mysterious connection between several villains who are watching the Trinity —as well as the near future for these characters and their surrounding world! Co-features in issues #2-4 fill in back-story on some of the other important players in this major storyline. These stories are written by Busiek and Fabian Nicieza with art by Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens (NIGHTWING, GREEN ARROW), Tom Derenick and Wayne Faucher and Mike Norton and Jerry Ordway (ALL-NEW ATOM, INFINITE CRISIS).
Kirk Says: I must be a glutton for punishment picking up another DC weekly comic. I'm going to give this issue exactly one issue to prove itself. If it's not an absolute Must Read issue, I'm dropping this like a bad habit, no questions asked. Nothing like being burned on a year long story with 50 some odd tie-ins to make you a bitter, jaded fan. Thanks for that DC.
One question I've been pondering since Trinity was announced, though, is just what is it about? DC had an event back in the 90's called Trinity and it featured all the cosmic characters, like Green Lantern, the LEGION and the Darkstars. They all converged on the Guardians of the Universe's homeworld, Maltus, and went up, conveniently, against three ancient Malthusian Gods called The Triarch. Trinity, three gods, DC's Big 3 - Are we seeing the return of Quarra the Creator, Archor the Sustainer and Tzodar the Destroyer of The Triarch as the villains to go up against the trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman or am I just some 90's comic book reader off his rocker and the book has nothing to do with that?

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Jackson Guice
This is it! The story that finally reveals the conspiracies behind the entire Ultimate Universe! When they first met, Bruce Banner mysteriously warned Spider-Man that "Everything is connected." Now it's time to discover the jaw-dropping secrets that men have fought and died to protect. From the dark days of World War II to the frightening present, journey through history to learn what's really behind the Super Soldier and Weapon X programs–and how heroes such as Captain America, Nick Fury and Wolverine have more in common than codenames and costumes. The dream team of Brian Michael Bendis and Butch Guice (CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRON MAN) unite for the first time for the Ultimate series of the year that is a must-read lead-in to ULTIMATUM!
Kirk Says: Bendis is pretty much writing the only good Ultimate Universe title at the moment with Ultimate Spider-Man (well, UXM recently lost Kirkman and it's first issue since then was pretty damn good), so I'm inclined to read this issue, but I honestly don't care all that much about this and haven't been looking forward to it in the slightest. I didn't even know it was still coming out, let alone being released this week, until I read the solicits for these previews. The fact this leads into Jeph *ugh* Loeb's Ultimatum is another detriment to my desire to read this book. I'll give this issue a whirl, but my expectations are practically nil, so it won't take too much to impress me with this.
am I just some 90's comic book reader off his rocker and the book has nothing to do with that?
Probably this. Has more to do with the Matt Wagner Trinity mini than the GL/Darkstars/LEGION one.
Yeah, that Thor Search for Odin book is a reprint of the two Djurevic issues
I got the last two issue of ASM and was not impressed even Slott is one of my top 5 favorite writers. They were my first BND comics and I am definitely not a fan of the concept. I'll probably pick up his arc with JRJR though since it is a dream creative team for me.
I also recently finished the 4 Manhunter TPB and will definitely pick up the issue on Wednesday.
Secret Invasion is definitely hero vs. villain, even if the villains are disguised as heroes. Hopefully all the stuff Doom, Namor, and Loki are doing leads somewhere. Maybe a Sinister Six Illuminati that leads to an event down the road.
As much as I love Bagley's art, I can't afford a weekly. If Trinity is any better than Countdown I will definitely get it in TPB form.
I was interested in Ultimate Origins until it was delayed and Loeb wrote Ultimates 3. Hopefully something good comes out of Ultimatum, like a good status quo or new creative teams, otherwise it could be the beginning of end of the line.
I would tell you not to support Amazing Spider-Man anymore. Last issue i bought was the first part of OMD, and i haven't regretted it at all.
When last I read ASM, Petey kicked the Kingpin's butt, and I was ready to buy the first ish of OMD. I owe a Starbuck's to the store clerk who warned the customers to "not buy into the hype." Doesn't say much for his salesmanship, but I gotta respect a man who could see that the train was jumping the rails before I could.
At this point, I just don't care anymore about Spidey. If Bendis writes his book someday, maybe I'll return, but I'll live comfortably if I never buy another Spider-Man book again.
I firmly believe OMD is another reality. Alternate earth, or Mephisto just has Peter dreaming or something. I already believed this, then I saw the blurb for the upcoming issue saying it will have the return of the Green Goblin. Return? We know exactly where he is. Running around Thunderbolt mountain blowing people up.
@chris - Good to know. I figured as much, but wasn't positive. Won't be picking that up now.
@eric - I know SI is really against the Skrulls, but when it's nothing but imposter heroes running around, it's still feeling like we never fight actual villains anymore. ANd the Skrulls are basically grunts like Hydra or AIM. Outside the original Super Skrull, they're all faceless, nameless nobodies and it's hard to even call them a villain if you ask me.
I like the idea of an evil Illuminati with Namor, Loki and Doom. I'm guessing they'll be the 2009 or 2010 baddie.
@randallw - ahah, ya, that's a weird bit of marketing there. I guess they mean returning to a Spidey title? It does make it sound like it's in its own little bubble, though.
Hmm, general concensus seems to be against or completely indifferent, much like myself, to continuing with ASM for the next arc with Mike McKone on art and that imposter Spider-Man. Unless some glut of pro-ASM comments come in, I suppose I'll drop it until the New Ways to Die story with Anti-Venom and JRJr.
I guess I have a lower standard for villains. I am sure that SI will end in a battle between the Super Skrull Army and whoever the Avengers can find.
I am sure Marvel is setting Doom up for something since he has been networking like crazy. Namor, Morgan le Fay and Loki in the past couple of months.
Didn't Doom and Red Skull have a little meeting sometime ago? I seem to remember that somewhere. No complaints about Victor being the super baddy, better than most of the guys we're stuck with.
I'm looking forward to Nightwing and JSA as both books are pretty good lately.
Screw ASM, I haven't read a Spidey book in years, and despite the fact that USM seems to be the best book ever, I'm still not interested.
I'm going to wait a few more issues before I decide to pick up the new Iron Man series. I'm hoping Fraction can craft a story that isn't just Stark having to make some "do I blow this or that up?". Are we taking bets on when DoS gets cancelled?
I'm actually looking forward to the reviews for Manhunter as, due to your enthusiasm about the book, am fairly interested in it.
I'm also pretty sure Trinity is going to be terrible, either that or it's going to be what everyone wanted when the new JLA was announced. Either way, it's going to be one or done for alot of people I think.
I've honestly just decided to give up on Spidey unless his book crosses over with a character I like. I only looked over your preview for this week's ASM because you mentioned "NEW WAYS TO DIE".
You decided not to take a peek at "Old Man Logan"?
@salieri - I must be losing my touch if I somehow overlooked Wolverine and the Old Man Logan storyline when I did up these previews. I'll definitely be picking up the first issue if it's out this week.
Hey, cool. I'm looking forward to it if only because it's a wacky, crazy alternate future story and that's the kind of story my mind feeds upon.
According to Newsarama's preview Old Man Logan's supposed to be out June 11, but according to Marvel's catalog it will be out June 18 (rather recent update), make of that what you will.
Damn, he's right. Sorry, Kirk, it's out next week. My stupid mistake.
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